Saturday, April 23, 2016

Relationship Breakup Dont Be Blindsided

Relationship breakup, what are the signs? Are you worried that your relationship is getting ready to crash and burn? Not sure what signs you should be on the lookout for? No one likes to be blindsided. Being blindsided always results in pain whether physical or emotional. Even if your relationship ends, the pain will be a little less if you can see it coming and brace for impact. There are some signs that all may not be well on the home front, if you keep your eyes open.

The first thing you need to remember is that we are usually pretty good at lying to ourselves. We are remarkably adept at keeping the blinders firmly in place if removing them would be to face certain pain. In the long run though you only do more harm than good by ignoring the inevitable. Its best to see things clearly, if you do you may actually have a chance to change the direction your relationship is taking and prevent the breakup.

Here are some signs that you need to keep an eye out for:

1. If you and your partner used to be joined at the hip but all of a sudden they seem to have a lot of more important things to do, you may be headed for a breakup. Of course, dont be a twit and ignore the fact that they just got a promotion and theyre a lot busier at work. If they dont have a reasonable excuse for their sudden absence you may want to sit them down and have a talk with them to try and figure out what is going on.

Make sure that you ask them what the problem is and not accuse them of anything. If you accuse them of something and they are just feeling a little down or overwhelmed you may just give them cause to end the relationship. Be careful to not come off defensively. Stay calm and rational when you talk to them.

2. Does your better half suddenly seem to need a lot of privacy? If their habits change and they become much more private it could be a sign that they are talking to someone and they dont want you to know. If they are suddenly leaving the room to talk on their cell phone, or they are taking their laptop into the other room, you may want to ask them, nicely, whats going on. If they say nothing that might well be your answer since its obvious that their behavior has changed and if they dont have a good reason why it could be that there isnt a good reason. Again, though, give them the benefit of the doubt. Youd look awfully stupid if you accused them of something when all they were doing was planning a great anniversary trip or surprise birthday party.

3. Sex, do you still have it as often as you once did? Is there a change in who initiates it? If your partner used to always want sex and suddenly they just dont seem interested, it could be a sign that they have found someone else. Of course, it could also be a sign that theyre tired, overwhelmed, depressed, etc. Dont jump to conclusions, just ask.

Many times the signs of a relationship breakup are pretty easy to spot, as long as youre not so afraid to see them that you ignore them. By spotting them early youve got a much better shot at dealing with whatever the issues are before the actual breakup. You might just be able to save your relationship by keeping your eyes wide open.


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