Thursday, March 31, 2016

How 2 Win Your Ex Back

How 2 Win Your Ex Back.

If youre searching for How 2 Win Your Ex Back. Congratulations. Youre the right place. Merely a Minute!. You try to learn the content below. It may help you.

If you wish to make your ex girl back then the ways and tips I give you in this post will help you to do it successfully, there are various little things you can do that can help and increase your chances, it is important that you know what youre doing and how do get her back effectively BEFORE you start, or perhaps you may just make it worse.

The first thing I have to explain is that often a change in mindset is important, most guys think of women as being "better" than them, they think of them as being the prize and the guys then "chase" the prize, this is the wrong attitude to have, instead, you should think of yourself as the prize and the girl should be chasing you.

That little change in mindset can do wonders sometimes, it will also help to change your outlook on the entire situation, so if you are thinking the way most guys do, thinking that the girl is better than you and you must "win" her, change that and flip at around.

The following point I would like to tell you about is quite simple, women want men, they dont want wimpy, scared boys, they want men, so, be a man. Ok, that may be a little hard to understand exactly what I mean, basically, she wants to feel safe with you, protected, she wants you to be strong, not necessarily physically but mentally.

If you possibly could show her that you are a strong person then it should certainly help to make you more appealing and attractive to her.

The last tip I will give you is to simply look good, its not exactly rocket science, women like men who look good, the same way as men like women who look good, if you walk around with dirty clothes and without washing in days then you can be pretty sure it will turn most women off, take care of yourself and it will show.

These are generally some quite simple tips about getting an ex girl back, there are many more things you can do to increase your chances, however, these three things are a good starting point and should help a bit.

The next step would be to learn more, learn more about the techniques you can use to get an ex girlfriend back and then put them into use, so go for it.

For More Information On How Yo Get Your Ex Back Click Here!

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Be a lamp or a lifeboat or a ladder

This line isnt just a lesson in moral science; it has endless wisdom wrapped in it. 

Law of attraction teaches us to be selfish, which is a very good thing. We start to think about ourselves. We start to pay attention to what we really want. We start making list after list of things that we would like to have in our reality. And all seems to be working out just fine. But then, one day we realize that although on technical level, Universe is working just fine, but still there are those top three desires on most people’s lists which don’t seem to be coming to pass.

And no matter how hard they try, visualization and everything, matters only seem to be getting worse. They know that they have to ‘let go’. But most do not know how. 

To those stuck at this level, I would suggest to listen to the wisdom of Rumi. When nothing seem to be working to distract you from your current predicament, try giving. Nothing works better than the joy of giving someone else the happiness that they had been looking for. Remembering, that we are all connected and that we are all one, also helps. Anything that we do for others is bound to come back to us, and that include all the good things. What we receive in our reality is always a reflection of what we give. 

So, go ahead and try this, help someone, do something to make someone feel good. Not only will it help to distract you from your current situation and thus help you to ‘let go’, but it will also bring more good things to you.


The Diverse 90s Classic Songs From Grunge to Teen Pop Madness

The 90s were certainly a strange period in the history of music. Perhaps this is due to the wide variety of genres and styles that emerged during the decade or perhaps its because not one artist or genre seems to define the decade.

The beginning of the 90s was characterized by the rise of grunge and alternative rock into the mainstream and the disappearance of classic rock. The lead band of this genre was by far Nirvana with their classic song "Smells Like Teen Spirit" becoming an anthem for a generation. While grunge would disappear from the mainstream, alternative rock would continue throughout the 90s until today with bands such as Green Day and Blink 182.

For the first time ever, urban pop began to constantly dominate the charts, at least in North America. Artists such as Boyz II Men, Mariah Carey and TLC were almost a constant presence on the radio, and continue to inspire todays RnB artists with songs such as "One Sweet Day" or "No Scrubs". Urban pop arguably dominates the charts today more than ever before.

Hip-hop also made its mainstream debut in the 90s and today has a permanent place in contemporary music. The pioneers from this period include the Notorious B.I.G., MC Hammer, 2Pac and Snopp Dogg. Notable classic songs from this era include "Changes" from 2Pac and "Gangstas Paradise" from Coolio.

Teen pop made a comeback in the late 90s, bigger than it ever was in the late 80s and early 90s. Bands such as the Backstreet Boys and the Spice Girls and singers such as Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera were an undeniable presence on the airwaves and charts. Such artists defined the late 90s while all other genres took a backseat. Classic songs from this genre include "Baby One More Time" from Britney Spears, "Wannabe" from the Spice Girls and "As Long As You Love Me" from the Backstreet Boys.

I like to define the 90s like a fruit and vegetable salad, it was essentially a mix of so many genres and styles never seen before, but which did produce some memorable and classic songs.


Law Of Attraction 101 !!

The Law of Attraction is usually described as a "universal law" (like gravity is also a universal law) that delivers into your life whatever you focus on the most. A negative focus will attract mostly negative experiences, while a positive focus will attract mostly positive experiences.

Sounds simple enough, right? Think positive, get positive. Think negative, get negative. But there’s a little more to it than that.

Current knowledge about the Law of Attraction reveals a clear connection between our thoughts, emotions, beliefs, expectations, and the world around us.

Basically, here’s how it works:

Thoughts + Emotions + Beliefs + Expectations = Reality
Let’s break down each of these components to better understand how they work together.


Your thoughts provide the general structure for your reality. You perceive your surroundings and gear your emotions according to your thoughts. When you think positively, you usually “feel” positively.

In other words, positive thoughts make you feel good, and negative thoughts make you feel bad.

One common misconception is that your thoughts create your reality. Your thoughts actually don’t create anything by themselves.

Can you imagine if you “created” everything you thought about? Your nightmares would all come true, as well as every fear and worry you’ve ever had! No thank you!

In actuality, your thoughts need to be infused with emotion in order to be formed in physical reality.

Your emotions could accurately be described as the "fuel" that gives life to your thoughts. When you hold a specific thought or idea in your mind and generate strong emotions for or about it – you bring it into your life!

Emotions are the driving force behind your ability to create your reality.

If you take nothing else away from reading this page, the MOST important thing I want you to understand is the absolute raw power that your emotions hold!

This is why negative thoughts can be so destructive. When you focus on negative things and emit negative emotions about them – you attract them! Likewise, when you think positive thoughts and emit positive emotions about them – you attract them!

Beliefs and Expectations

Your beliefs and expectations act as gatekeepers for your reality. No matter how hard you try to think and feel positively, a limiting belief or negative expectation has the power to BLOCK what you’re trying to attract. It doesn’t matter how many affirmations you recite, or how strongly you visualize yourself having something you want – if you hold limiting beliefs about it, your subconscious mind will NOT allow you to have it! You either don’t believe it’s possible or don’t believe you deserve it, so it will not be possible for you.

Bonanza of Gods Billboards

Once upon a time, Americans traveled the highways searching for the latest word of God. But not anymore! Those same roadside messages, plus a batch of new ones, can now be viewed anytime at home on your own personal computer. Google currently lists nine sites carrying these "messages from God."

Do you remember the original billboards? Someone in Florida started the ball rolling with eighteen messages in white type on black billboards all "signed" by God.

South Florida motorists spotted such disarming "quotes" as:

Lets meet at my house before the game. -God

Cmon over and bring the kids. -God

Others messages spoke in a friendly but more serious tone:

What part of "Thou Shall Not ..." didnt you understand? -God

That "Love Thy Neighbor" thing ... I meant that. -God

Now the messages have gone from billboards to cyberspace. A couple of sites include the original eighteen sayings as well as a good number of new messages. Evidently, God keeps coming up with new ones. Hey, the graphics are great! Check them out! Just plug "Gods Billboards" in Google and click on the top sites.

Like the originals, these new "quotes" vary from witty to thought-provoking. For instance:

All I know ... is everything. -God

If you must curse, use your own name! -God

The real Supreme Court meets up here. -God

As a public service (or disservice depending on how you look at it), Ive rounded up the whole lot of Gods Bilboard messages for your edification. If I have missed one, let me know.

Lets meet at my house Sunday before the game. -God

Cmon over and bring the kids. -God

What part of "Thou Shalt Not..." didnt you understand? -God

We need to talk. -God

Keep using my name in vain, Ill make rush hour longer. -God

Loved the wedding, invite me to the marriage. -God

That "Love Thy Neighbor" thing... I meant it. -God

I love you and you and you and you and... -God

Will the road youre on get you to my place? -God

Follow me. -God

Big bang theory, youve got to be kidding. -God

My way is the highway. -God

Need directions? -God

You think its hot here? -God

Have you read my #1 best seller? There will be a test. -God

Do you have any idea where youre going? -God

Dont make me come down there. -God

In you want the smoking or non-smoking section? -God

Small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life. Need directions? -God

When I was hungry, did you give me something to eat? -God

When I was thirsty, did you give me something to drink? -God

When I was a stranger, did you invite me in? -God

When I needed clothing, did you clothe me? -God

When I was sick and in prison, did you look after me? -God

Words count; be careful, Im listening. -God

Make up your mind; is Jesus a lunatic, a liar, or my only begotten Son? -God

Your soul is eternal; where are you taking it? -God

Of course I love you, I gave you my Son, didnt I? -God

Read my New Testament. Ive included a message for you. -God

No, belief and baptism are not options. -God

What part of "Thou Shalt Not..." didnt you understand? -God

We need to talk. -God

If I didnt exist, there would be no atheists. -God

No, I didnt give you certainity, faith is required. -God

Follow me. -God

That "Love Thy Neighbor" thing... I meant it. -God

Eternity is a long, long, l-o-n-g time. -God

You just think its hot here. -God

The only important thing about Christianity is that its true. -God

Do not murder. -God

Dont wait for the final judgment. It takes place every day. -God

Wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction. Dont follow the crowd. -God

Come, follow me. -God

Would you give up your life to perpetuate a hoax? Neither would Stephen, James, Peter, or Paul. -God

Love your neighbor as yourself. -God

You are not an accident. I have a purpose for you. -God

Sin is addictive; the terminal point of addiction is damnation. -God

Whats in your future? Read all about it in my #1 bestseller. -God

Some seed fell along the path, some fell on rock, other seed fell among thorns, still other seed fell on good soil. Which are you? -God

You are very important to me. My Son paid for you with his life. -God

I didnt promise you a picnic; I promised you a cross to bear. -God

Words matter. I hear ever careless word you say. -God

When nations stop honoring me, I stop blessing them. -God

If life doesnt teach you humility, youre just not paying attention. -God

If you created yourself, obey your own law; if I created you, obey me. -God

Do not steal. -God

Do not commit adultery. -God

Do not give false testimony. -God

Honor your father and mother. -God

Work as though it all depends on you; pray as though it all depends on me. -God

I wont allow temptation beyond what you can bear. -God

Use the Scriptures to verify what you hear. -God

Faith is required, but not blind faith. Search for the evidence. -God

Who do you serve? yourself? or me? -God

Blind guides speak from the pulpit too. -God

Hate and lust will destroy you. -God

If you dont control your thoughts, who does? -God

Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much. -God

Whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much. -God

Evolution is the mythology of fools. -God

Worship is not entertainment; entertainment is not worship. -God

Follow me, not man-made traditions. -God

What ever happened to the church I established? -God

My word is sufficient. Beware of those who add to it or subtract from it. -God

Faith without deeds is useless. -God

Forgive others, and I will forgive you. -God

Either stand with me or stand with the world. Neutrality is not an option. -God

You cannot serve both God and Money. -God

Do you love me? Keep my commandments. -God

Why do you call Me Lord, Lord and do not the things I say? -God

Heaven or Hell, its your choice. -God

Say, wouldnt they make great church marquee messages? Many of them are direct quotes from the Bible. Show them to your your church, and see what they think. Or maybe, (Yeah, I know its a radical idea.) maybe we ought to take them to heart.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Use Prayer to Get Your Ex Back

What is prayer?

Although your relationship with your ex may be broken, your relationship with God never is. His understanding of you is unlimited. Prayer is that place where you and God meet privately, and share His love for you, and your worship of Him.

Everyone is allowed to pray. Good or evil, rich or poor, wise or foolish -- God wants to hear what you have to say.

No matter how bad you are feeling -- no matter how deeply you are wallowing in feelings of loss, or failure, or worthlessness -- you dont need to feel ashamed when you approach the Lord. You can say to God, "I know you understand."

Even if you have neglected your relationship with God, from His perspective you have not been "gone" or "lost". God has not lost track of you, but has always watched over you. He welcomes the intimacy of prayer from you, and wants to guide you in times of pain, as much as in times of joy.

Thy will be done!

Prayer is not just about asking God for miracles, or asking Him to do what you want. In fact, it shouldnt always be about "asking" at all.

Needing to know how to get back your ex might be what brings you to your knees, but your goal should be to establish or strengthen your connection with God, and discover what God wants for you.

You want to know how to get back your ex, and you want Gods help to learn that, but God is not operating a drive-thru restaurant. You cant just place your order. You must open your heart to Gods path for you, and allow Him to lead you to your destination in His way, and in His time.

What should I pray for?

1. Grace

Pray for Gods divine influence in every aspect of your life. Ask Him to be with you as you pass through this current crisis.

2. Patience

Pray for patience, because it will take a while to get back your ex girlfriend or boyfriend. You have much work ahead of you, to heal and plan and learn and grow.

3. Self-knowledge

Pray for understanding of your own responsibilities within a relationship. Ask God to guide you as you review your broken relationship and search for signs of what went wrong.

Rely on Gods support while considering whether your ex is truly meant to be your partner for life, and whether you must make changes within yourself in order to fulfill your half of the partnership and meet your exs needs.

4. Forgiveness

Ask God for the strength to forgive your ex for leaving you. And if you have wronged your ex, pray for your exs forgiveness of you as well.

If you are blaming yourself for the breakup, receive and accept Gods forgiveness, and pray that God will help you forgive yourself, as easily as He forgives you.

5. Security

Your desperation, in wanting to know how to get back your ex, is caused by your insecurity. You feel that alone, you cannot be a whole person. Ask God to help you combat your neediness. Pray for His love to fill you and make you complete, so that you can bring an emotionally healthy, whole person to your relationship with your ex.

Pray, "Father, I know that You love me," as often as it takes to make you believe it in your heart and mind. With His love will come security.

6. Empathy

Pray for help seeing your relationship from your exs perspective. Seek Gods guidance in understanding your exs needs for unconditional love, encouragement, companionship, and intimacy.

Let God be with you as you take an honest look at how well you and your ex met these needs for each other.

7. Words

Ask God to help you find the best, most effective words to communicate with your ex, when the time is right.

What about prayer websites?

God hears you just fine. You dont need to post your prayers on a forum, or ask other people to pray on your behalf.

Louder praying is not more effective, and neither are added voices. Remember, you cannot trick God into doing what you want. You dont need to convince Him how much youre hurting. He WILL help you, simply because you ask it.

Want Gods answer to how to get back your ex? Fall on your spiritual knees, and have a talk with Him.

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How To Get Your Ex Back Text

How To Get Your Ex Back Text.

If you would like for How To Get Your Ex Back Text. Congratulations. Youre right place. Merely a Minute!. You try to learn the content below. It may help you.

Perhaps there is any outlook during world that is certainly worse compared to person you adore suggesting its over? Its heartbreaking as you would expect. An advanced woman that is desperately in love with her boyfriend and hes now decided that he just doesnt feel the same way about you, you likely think that your complete world has fallen apart. It doesnt must be that way. If you do truly love him still and you cant imagine a future that doesnt include him, theres help for you. Finding out how to get him back after he dumps you can mean the real difference between countless days and nights without him and a future thats filled up with deep love and promise.

Finding out how to acquire him back after he dumps you includes recognizing that emotions just cant rule your movements. Its very tough to keep a clear head and clear minded if the man you like tells you which he doesnt feel the same anymore. Youre going to feel desperate and crying is going to become natural to you, but youve got to hide all of that from him. When a man makes the decision to end a relationship and he knows full well that the woman is still crazy about him, hes anticipating a certain reaction from her. Your boyfriend expects you to become an emotional mess and he knows youll fall apart. Hes ready for it. Thats why its essential for you to do something completely opposite. Youve got to show him that youre stronger than that and mature enough to handle a change. Hold your emotions in whenever you are around him or talking to him.

The next matter you have got to do once your boyfriend dumps you may seem extremely difficult but its going to push a trigger within him which will make him crave to be with you again. Youre going to reject him to. Dont be cruel about this. Make sure he understands that you also believe that a split is in order. While you say this dont cry. Try to remain calm and collected. This one move will shift the dynamic of the relationship in an instant. No longer will you be the rejected one, but youll be the one doing the rejected. Men cant stand rejection. It eats away at them and makes them crave to have whatever rejected them. In no time at all, hell be the one trying to win back your heart.

For More Information On How Yo Get Your Ex Back Click Here!

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FOUR Tips to Get Back with your Ex After a Break Up

Chances are you are having difficulties to discover ways that you could win your ex back and get your relationship back on course. In order to win her after a breakup, it is critical to avoid the common blunders that may destroy your likelihood to reunite with your ex.

Relationships can flood you with a wave of inner thoughts at the most trivial situations but following a split people are likely to fly off the handle by simply allowing their feelings dictate their actions because of their paralyzing desparation to do almost anything to get his or her ex back.

Below are a few important guidelines you must take to ensure you have every chance to reunite after a breakup.

1. Handle Your Emotions: Often times lovers split in the heat of the moment, often this happens in the course of a dispute when emotions tend to be running high. A lot of times a separation is a crying call from your ex that they are not happy in the relationship. This is not to say that your relationship can not be mended and improved but you must ensure you act cool, calm and collected.

2. Give Your Ex Space and Time: Allowing your ex space is critical to be able to reunite following a split, if you constantly call, text and bombard him or her youll greatly limit your chances to get back together with your ex. The reason why couples reunite and split regularly is because a breakup frequently occurs any time emotions are running high, give you as well as your ex time to collect your thoughts.

3. Admit Your Relationship Is Broken: No matter what the reason for the break up its common that the actual reasons why you or your ex lover have broken the relationship in many cases are never talked over. It could be the smallest and most insignificant aspect of your relationship that has snowballed in to a larger issue, this is not to state they cannot be sorted but you must acknowledge that your relationship requires immediate mending.

4. Honesty and Maturity: You must resolve the problems within your relationship before you can reunite and remain together, this time for good! Do not simply apologize for everything that you believe went wrong with your relationship, both you along with your companion are responsible for exactly where you are today and being completely truthful and mature during this phase is a must.

Chances are youre still in touch along with your ex, be confident, optimistic and agree that your relationship has ended at this time and stay clear of the urge to ask for simply one more chance and promising things will be different this time around. This will not deal with the problems and reservations your ex has to continue the relationship.

How can couples reunite as well as reconcile after a breakup? By understanding the way to identify and also take care of the underlying issues that have manifested and have lead to the break up and by turning back the time and rediscovering the magic in their relationship.

Love is almost never the reason behind a breakup. Discover an action plan that will win your ex back again in your arms quickly and stay clear of doing the regular mistakes that can push them away permanently.

Dont risk losing them forever to someone else, stay clear of break, discover step by step actions to take to reconcile after a breakup at

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

How To Get Your Ex Back If He Has A Girlfriend

How To Get Your Ex Back If He Has A Girlfriend.

If you would like for How To Get Your Ex Back If He Has A Girlfriend. Congratulations. You are right place. A little Minute!. You try to see the article below. It may help you.

All you can give thought to how to get her back. Youve either broken up, and have gotten divorced. After a while, you start to appreciate which you cant live without her. Many people that are suffering by having a break up wont even try to win their ex back. They might feel that their ex will just hurt them more by not talking to them. More often, though, they dont know what to say, and are afraid of saying the wrong thing. If you can relate to this, then read on...

Get you just separated?

In case your relationship recently ended, be very careful. You are both hurting, and youre both still very emotional.

Both of you need some time to heal. This time around is extremely important - without it, it will be very difficult to win her back.

You cant act without thinking. If you try to rush into things without letting the tension and bad feelings heal, the only thing you will succeed in doing is pushing her away even more.

Just think about it for a minute. Imagine walking up to her right now and talking to her. Imagine what shed say to you. If her reaction isnt the one you had hoped for, what would you do?

Do you have even thought about how youre going to get her back?

Ill bet the answer to this is no. Not too many people will think about what they will do or say, they just do it. There are many ways to win her back - and, IF you think about the what ifs for a minute, your chances of success will skyrocket.

How would you react if...

You know her that you love her, and that you blew it, and you want her back. She, in turn, says too bad. What would you do? If you react badly to her response, you will regret it. IF, on the other hand, you are ready for her to say that, then you can respond to her in a way that will make her stop and think.


You know her that you love her and want to try to make things work, and she says that she feels the same way? Would you just jump back into a relationship, or would you take things slow, and make sure that both of you take steps to not let your past problems ruin this new relationship?

There are several things that can happen. There is one guaranteed way that you will succeed in winning your wife back - THINK about it before you DO it. You know her better than anyone, right? You know what she likes and dislikes, and how she reacts to different things.

Wait until the hurt subsides, then casually work your way back into her life. Soon, the two of you will become friends again, and friendship is the base of every strong relationship.

For More Information On How Yo Get Your Ex Back Click Here!

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How To Get Your Ex Back For The Second Time

How To Get Your Ex Back For The Second Time.

If youre looking for How To Get Your Ex Back For The Second Time. Congratulations. You are the right place. Only a Minute!. You try to read this content below. It may help you.

Perhaps there is any outlook during world thats worse than the person you adore letting you know its over? Its heartbreaking as you would expect. A high level woman who is desperately in love with her boyfriend and hes now decided that he just doesnt feel the in an identical way about you, you likely think that your entire world has fallen apart. It doesnt need to be that way. If you do truly love him still and you cant imagine a future that doesnt include him, theres help for you. Learning how to get him back after he dumps it is possible to mean the real difference between countless days and nights without him and a future thats full of deep love and promise.

Focusing on how to obtain him back after he dumps you includes recognizing that emotions just cant rule your actions. Its so difficult to stay focused and clear minded once the man you love lets you know that he doesnt feel the same anymore. Youre going to feel desperate and crying is going to become natural to you, but youve got to hide all of that from him. When a man makes the decision to end a relationship and he knows full well that the woman is still crazy about him, hes anticipating a certain reaction from her. Your boyfriend expects you to become an emotional mess and he knows youll fall apart. Hes ready for it. Thats why its essential for you to do something completely opposite. Youve got to show him that youre stronger than that and mature enough to handle a change. Hold your emotions in whenever you are around him or talking to him.

The following point youve got to do when your boyfriend dumps you may seem almost impossible but its going to push a trigger within him that will make him crave to be with you again. Youre going to reject him to. Dont be cruel relating to this. Simply tell him that you also believe that a split is in order. While you say this dont cry. Try to remain calm and collected. This one move will shift the dynamic of the relationship in an instant. No longer will you be the rejected one, but youll be the one doing the rejected. Men cant stand rejection. It eats away at them and makes them crave to have whatever rejected them. In no time at all, hell be the one trying to win back your heart.

For More Information On How Yo Get Your Ex Back Click Here!

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How To Make Her Fall In Love With Me Again

Have you lost your wife or girlfriend and been asking yourself "how to make her fall in love with me again?" Whether you feel that your less-than-happy relationship is coming to a close or its already ended, you can actually turn the situation around to your advantage. Youll have to be commited and strong but getting her to love you again can be done.

When you are so emotionally involved in a situation, youre too close to look at it objectively and analyze what the problems are and how to solve them. So the emotional side gets the better of you and you then end up making the whole situation even worse. The only way to make sure this doesnt happen is to maintain your dignity at all costs, no matter what. This most likely even means walking away (if you already havent) in the beginning. And that is probably the hardest part. But it is the most effective way over the long haul.

Lets look at human nature. What youll read next is sad but true. . .people get bored with something or someone who is there for them all the time, no matter what. Think about yourself. Are you attracted to someone who is always around, answering your every need and catering to your every whim? Pretty borning, right? Now think about how your wife or girlfriend sees you. How she sees you depends on how highly you value yourself. And if you dont value yourself enough right now, you need to change that. Learn to recognize what you deserve, not what youre used to. If you act like a loser, you will be treated like a loser. If you think of yourself as the victim of the situation, then you are the victim of the situation. Now ask yourself, why should anyone else, including your girlfriend or wife, think highly of you if you dont think very highly of yourself? Realize that things dont happen by themselves. . .only you have the power to change things about yourself, how you see yourself and how others treat you.

If youre not already doing so, take care of yourself. Eat healthy foods and exercise. Go out with friends more often and try to have some fun.

When youre not always hanging around just waiting for your wife or girlfriend to change her mind, she will actually have the chance to miss you . . . maybe not easy, but very effective.

The above actions will take you out of the "black hole" of your situation so that you can view it from a more objective angle while at the same time giving your girlfriend or wife the space that she needs and showing her that you are not going to wait around forever. Put these "how to make her fall in love with me" methods to work and enjoy the results.

How Do You Get Back An Ex Girlfriend

How Do You Get Back An Ex Girlfriend.

If you are seeking for How Do You Get Back An Ex Girlfriend. Congratulations. You are right place. Only a Minute!. You try to read this content below. It may help you.

You have to be aware of dos and donts of rekindling a romantic relationship if you need to understand how to get her back. Getting back together along with your ex girlfriend may not be as complicated as you imagine. You may be together again earlier than you imagine so long as you know what to do.

Do Respect Her Space

She will need some time alone initially. You need to respect her on this and give her the space she requires. If you fail to do this, you could be doing more harm than good to your relationship and making her pull away from you even further. Even though she doesnt openly say it, you must stop all contact with her quickly following the relationship ends for at least 1 week or more.

Do Likely Be Operational and Honest

Confer with your ex girlfriend concerning what caused the breakup, and do so sincerely and openly. Be prepared to take condemnation and feedback on your abilities as a lover and significant other in life. You must make her become aware that you are serious regarding fixing what went wrong. Paying attention and taking what she says seriously is going to go a long way.

As Well to Win Her Back

Agreeing to what you cant accomplish is not going to help your relationship. Make sure you dont lie with an aim to persuade her to come back to you. Even though the lies work in the beginning, sooner or later it is going to boomerang. It may be impossible to win her back a third time, particularly after lying to her.

Dont Date to produce Your Ex Jealous

Its never a good idea to start parading a new woman you started dating in front of your ex. This is going to make your ex have the impression that you have by now moved on and make her give up or she may turn out to be angry towards you. It is never a good idea to make someone jealousy.

Do Make Changes

Once you have figured out what resulted to the breakup, ensure you make changes to correct the difficulty. Being positive is going to work in your favor even though the two of you are no more officially together at this point in time. The moment she sees your effort, she is going to be much more willing to get back together with you.

Make sure the changes you made to yourself are obvious enough for her to notice. If she just become aware that out of the blue youre truly more active in wanting to fix the problems, or suddenly youre giving her some space to sort things out for is going to almost certainly impress her to a certain degree, and make her reconsider her decisions.

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Monday, March 28, 2016

Your Keys To Dealing A With Break Up

Dealing with a break up is never an easy thing to do. If you find youre having difficulty coping with things after a relationship has come to an end, dont worry, you are experiencing a perfectly normal reaction. However, you cant spend the rest of your life trying to deal with a failed relationship.

There are two main options available to you for dealing with a break up. The first option is to let it keep eating away at you and to let it rip you apart, figuratively speaking. This is similar to the idea of "that which doesnt kill me only makes me stronger". Well, that may be true, to some degree, but that doesnt mean its the best choice for coping with your new situation. The second option is to face it head on and work through it. The first option you can do without any help, though it is not advised. With that in mind, here are some thoughts on the second option.

Break ups can leave a deep emotional impact, but that doesnt mean you have to let a break up destroy you as a person. You will do much better from a survival standpoint if you are able to continually remind yourself that one incident is not what defines you. Its difficult for any relationship to come to an end, whether its a marriage of more than twenty years, or a romantic fling of a few months. Depending on the circumstances it can be easy to let it have a negative impact on your self-esteem. If this is the case, dont hesitate to get some help from a counselor or even a trusted friend. Just remember that you dont have to go through this alone. Its better to handle these problems before they get out of hand.

Its not easy. Anybody who has been through a break up would agree with that. Sometimes just knowing others have gone through the same thing can bring some comfort. Talk about it, but not in a negative way as this will only push away the people most willing to help. Just find somebody else that can relate to what youre going through. Yes, your situation is different, and nobody else can truly understand what youre going through, but even a little bit of understanding can go a long way.

The other important part of dealing with a break up is to not obsess over it. You still have a life to live, so live it. Even if you just have to go through the motions for a while, its vital that you try to hold on to some semblance of normalcy. You may want to avoid the places and things you most closely associate with your ex, at least for a while. Now, you cant avoid the whole world, so there will be times when you just need to face things and handle them as good as you can.

How To Get Your Ex Back Poem

How To Get Your Ex Back Poem.

If youre searching for How To Get Your Ex Back Poem. Congratulations. You are the right place. Merely a Minute!. You try to read the article content below. It may help you.

Do you find yourself wondering learn how to get him back? Do you really wish he returns for you and you also meet up once more? Sometimes you may feel that loneliness and uncertainty that accompany a breakup?

Everyone is quite complicated and quite often unpredictable in what they do and especially why. That is exactly the reasons it may look challenging to know why this happened - what caused the breakup and estrangement. It is also hard to guess what may have been done differently to avoid this altogether.

There are many reasons why it may seem just over your face to bring him back - maybe youre shy, or youll not think you have enough strength to keep. All is well, but it is a scientific fact that once you really decide to achieve a goal - it is a matter of know-how that actually works, that will get you there.

Though the more important and even more difficult question this is what you should do right now to bring him back to you? There are too many tactics and merely too little time to try them all out, because every single day counts and takes him further away from you.

Just what exactly in the event you could find an easy working plan, that is based on both experience and knowledge? What if that simple plan would promise you good chances to bring him back, would you grab it right away and give it a try? And once it does succeed in that - you picture it: you sit besides him, he smiles at you and the future is bright!

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Mixed Messages in a Marriage Crisis Hurt and Confusion

Misunderstandings are common in marriage. One partner misinterprets the message that was intended. Typically these messages can easily be clarified by reflecting your confusion. Miscommunication is even more likely during a marital crisis. Mixed messages are a common source of miscommunication and can be more difficult to clarify.

Mixed messages result from your mate giving messages that conflict. For instance, your spouse expresses concern for your well-being then says something hurtful. You are drawn to the warmth and then are stung by the coldness in your mates voice. Like a purring cat that suddenly bites your hand, you become distrustful of your partners messages.

Mixed messages often occur because what is said does not match with how it is said. For instance, your partner has a sad facial expression but denies anything is wrong. Another example is a wife who has spent much less time at home, but says, "Im not avoiding you." You receive a message through your partners expression that conflicts with what you are told.

The question, "Do you love me?" is answered (in a flat-toned voice), "You know I love you." The words are words of love; but are they? The voice has no expression of love. Your spouse may proclaim love but there is no affection accompanying the words. You are kissed only when you ask for a kiss. The kiss communicates love, but the stiffness in your partners body communicates distance.

You try to clarify the message to determine which message is correct. This yields little clarification and more mixed messages. When you confront the inconsistencies in your mates messages, you are told that you are wrong or you are avoided.

The most hurtful mixed messages are those that define the relationship. These are painful because you need to understand the status of the relationship. The most common mixed message a distancing spouse gives is "I love you but Im not in love with you." Since "love" and "not in love" are opposing feelings, the message is unclear. You are left thinking, "What does this mean?" "I love you" sounds positive but "Im not in love with you" sounds negative. It is apparent that there is something missing but what is it? Is there any hope embedded in the message? You feel confused and want more information, information that is not available.

Mixed messages can serve to indirectly express rejection, as though a mixed message will be less hurtful. That is one reason that clarification is unsuccessful. To clarify the position would force your partner to accept responsibility for distancing from you. However the most common reason for mixed messages is that your spouse wants distance but has not made a decision regarding whether or not to remain committed to the marriage. The mixed messages reflect the mixed feelings that lie within.

Mixed messages from your spouse are not difficult to interpret because you have failed to clarify the message. The mixed messages are difficult to understand because your spouse is in a state of inner turmoil. Naturally you are biased and want to believe any positive message that contains hope that the relationship may survive this crisis. You also want to ignore the rejection, hoping it is temporary. If you listen to the message, you will learn more about the inner turmoil of your spouse than about the relationship. You cannot get an accurate picture of your spouses view of the relationship until your spouse gains internal clarity.

Stop spending needless time clarifying your partners message(s).
Reflect acceptance that your partner is unclear about his or her feelings, thus offers unclear messages.
Detach from over analyzing everything your partner says, you will know where you stand when your partner has made that decision for him or herself.
Put your energy into self-care. Socialize with those who care about you. Nourish your body, mind, and spirit.

Women Men Love And Women Men Leave

There are two types of women in the world, women men love women men leave. Which one are you? It doesnt really matter which side you fall on at this point, if you read and use the information in this article you can become the women men love for the rest of your life.

The first step to make sure your man will love you the way you want to be loved, is to know what it is your man needs in the relationship and then give it to him. This seemingly simple thing is messed up more often than you would believe. Many women will think this means to be completely subservient to their man and do whatever he wants even if she doesnt want to do it.

Nothing could be further from the truth. In reality no man (unless hes "damaged goods" which you wouldnt want to be in a relationship with anyway) wants a women who is a door mat. A real man will like his women to have a mind of her own, but he also wants her to be his biggest fan.

Women tend to think that if they give their man all the sex he wants, and if they dress up in sexy lingerie they are meeting all their mans needs. Again, if that is truly all your man needs you might want to find a man with a little more depth. Its a misconception that all men want is sex. Yes, sex is an important part of a relationship, for men and women, but it shouldnt be the do all, end all in any relationship, if it is your relationship will fail, its just a matter of time.

In order to really form a long lasting bond you need to base your relationship on more than just physical intimacy. Whether we like it or not, we will all get older and as we do sex will become more difficult for various physical reasons. If your whole relationship is just based on physical intimacy, how can it survive once that is taken out of the equation?

The women that men leave, believe it or not, are the women who try too hard to be whatever he wants. Your man needs to feel special and loved, admired, and desired, but it wont mean very much to him if it doesnt seem sincere. If he feels like you are just being pliable he will quickly get bored and move on to someone more real.

So for all you women out there, you do have a choice. You can be either type of women: women men love women men leave. Its entirely up to you. It doesnt mean giving up your own identity, it just means trying to understand your man and what he really wants and needs from you.

Talking to Teenagers Its Like Talking to Aliens

Sometimes love hurts. Sometimes love is so beautiful you feel like you are going to burst. You want to make love over and over. Just to make some feeble effort to show how much it aches. Your lover is happy. They dreamed of being loved like this. They dreamed that one day, someone would love them Like this.

It hurts you ache. They dont understand. You become sensitive, you become hyper. All emotional and reactive. Strength and stability are sucked from your core. You cant be yourself. Fragile, you want to make them happy, but it turns into advice. And you blow it. They shut to your love.

You want to love them, and there comes a destruction of their friendships and lifestyle. You want more of them, you want more and more. You are even more in love, it hurts, you do everything to relieve the pain, you try, but nothing can make this easy. You love, and the more you love, the more you hurt, crazy, madness, you just cant understand. They dont get it and you struggle, and change and try to cope. You hurt because you love. You try every angle, every idea, nothing helps, hopeless, youre in love.

Yesterday you were fine, friends and family, they even liked you, understood you. But now you are different, pathetic, not yourself. Not the one you thought you were. Vulnerable, its impossible, you cant live with yourself. You want to marry and merge and hibernate, yet, they dont understand, they think its about them, they think you are in love with them, they think its about them, but they are wrong, this is not the case. You are in love with the two, the couple, the pair, the twins. Its not them, its us.

You want them to become an us. The We. Our. Not me and mine, or yours and you. You want to get lost in them, and them in you. No them. No you. Be consumed. But they dont understand and you die. You fight yourself because you blew it. You lost yourself. And they didnt loose themselves. You are a fool, you think. Now you cant find yourself. You threw it away to create we - a we. But they dont understand, they think you are in love with them - about them, their self. And so, they start to cry why dont you love me like before? And you cannot say But I do!

You cannot say that you still love them because there is no we. There is no us. There is just a me, and a you. They dont understand. There was never an us. There was only them. And they didnt understand, they simply didnt turn up. They thought your love was for them but it wasnt just that, it was more, much more, it was two not one, and they could turn up.

And now, you are the accused. Liar, thief, cheat, and their heart is broken because they thought you would be there, no matter what. They say you never loved them and you try to explain that you loved us, not just them. But they just dont understand They thought your love was for them. They thought your love was a sacrifice for them. They thought you put them on an alter, but you wanted to put us on that alter. They thought they were the object of your love. It was not true It was an "us" we loved. We. Our. Us. Not a "U" And they just never showed up. They didnt understand, or just werent ready. For an "US" more important than "U"

It wasnt wrong that it didnt last, you were not wrong, there are no victims. You were not wrong, they just dont understand. They think your love is for them, because thats all they know, them. You just showed up and fell in love with the US. And they couldnt show up. Theres nothing to change in you. It hurts to love. Now, simply go back and do it again and know that one day someone will know how to love the US, more than they love the U. Your love for an US is divine and sacred.

Can you see.

We think its all about me.

But love is not about me, I, you, they, them.

Love is about an us.

To love an US people must let go of the ME and learn to protect it.

In love there is no me.

In love there is no you.

To fall in love is to fall from the I.

And work for the two

Live with Spirit

How Get Your Ex Wife Back

How Get Your Ex Wife Back.

If youd like for How Get Your Ex Wife Back. Congratulations. You are the right place. A little Minute!. You try to read the article content below. It may help you.

You must be aware of dos and donts of rekindling a romantic relationship if you would like learn how to get her back. Fixing your relationship along with your ex girlfriend may not be as complicated when you imagine. You may be back together earlier than you would imagine provided you know exactly what to do.

Do Respect Her Space

Shes going to need some time alone initially. You must respect her on this and give her the space she requires. If you fail to do this, you could be doing more harm than good to your relationship and making her pull away from you even further. Even though she doesnt openly say it, you must stop all contact with her right away following the relationship ends for at least a single week or more.

Do Likely Be Operational and Honest

Speak to your ex girlfriend concerning what caused the breakup, and do so sincerely and openly. Be prepared to take condemnation and feedback on your abilities as a lover and significant other in life. You must make her become aware that you are serious regarding fixing what went wrong. Paying attention and taking what she says seriously is going to go a long way.

Also . to Win Her Back

Acknowledging what you cant accomplish is not going to help your relationship. Make sure you dont lie with an aim to persuade her to come back to you. Even though the lies work in the beginning, sooner or later it is going to boomerang. It may be impossible to win her back a third time, particularly after lying to her.

Dont Date to produce Your Ex Jealous

Its never a good idea to start parading a new woman you started dating in front of your ex. This is going to make your ex have the impression that you have by now moved on and make her give up or she may turn out to be angry towards you. It is never a good idea to make someone jealousy.

They Make Changes

After you have figured out what resulted to the breakup, ensure you make changes to correct the difficulty. Being positive is going to work in your favor even though the two of you are no more officially together at this point in time. The moment she sees your effort, she is going to be much more willing to get back together with you.

Ensure the changes you have made to yourself are obvious enough for her to notice. If she just become aware that out of the blue youre truly more active in wanting to fix the problems, or suddenly youre giving her some space to sort things out for is going to almost certainly impress her to a certain degree, and make her reconsider her decisions.

For More Information On How Yo Get Your Ex Back Click Here!

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12 Questions to Ask on a Date That Will Scare Him Away

Are you looking forward to your next date? You might be in a position where a guy youve fancied for a while finally asks you out on a date.

Now this guy is different from all the jerks and creeps that seem to approach you at parties, clubs and the supermarket. Hes a gentleman and youre really looking forward to getting to know him more.

Hes informed you that hell be taking you to a very popular and expensive restaurant in town. Most girls would love to be in your position but theres something that worries you a little bit - what questions to ask on a date with this charming guy.

Asking the right questions to a guy on a date can cause him to open up and reveal a side to him you never knew of before. On the other hand, asking the wrong questions will cause him to back off and ultimately lead to zero follow-on dates.

Take great care not to ask any of the questions below or say something related even if you feel tempted to.

1. Do you have any sexual fantasies? A real gentleman will consider you a slut.

2. Would you like to come dancing with me and my ex on Saturday?

3. My phone just got stolen today. Can you give me some money to replace it?

4. Youre a pretty skinny guy. Im going to order more burgers for you.

5. My brothers just arrived in town. Can he stay over at your place tonight?

6. Is there any reason why you cant tip the waiter more?

7. Do you love me because I love you?

8. I think your best friend is really cute and buff. Is he single or in a relationship?

9. Have you ever gotten any sexually transmitted diseases?

10. How many children do you think we should have when we get married?

11. When can I move in with you?

12. How much do you earn annually? Hell think youre a gold digger.

The questions above are rude, insulting and will make you a complete turn off in the eyes of your date. Please stare clear of asking any of them or a question that might even sound remotely similar.

Even though some guys have a great sense of humor and can handle any curve balls thrown their way, you want to keep the odds in your favor. What odds? The odds of him asking you out on date number 2.

Internet Dating Tips How to Write a Killer Online Dating Profile

Let me ask you...

Are You Frustrated with online dating?

If youre like most guys, you are. Youre tired of not meeting ATTRACTIVE women from online dating sites.

I mean, who wants to pay $30 a month with no results? Right?

Believe me, I know how frustrating it can be... Ive been there and I struggled with it for years. I thought I would NEVER be able to meet the woman of my dreams online.

When I first started online dating, women were ignoring ALL my profiles and emails. In fact, I would often send out 10 to 20 emails A DAY and get NO responses. It was crazy! And I wasnt exactly the kind of guy to go out and approach hot women in bars and clubs so online dating was my only option at the time.

Well, one day everything turned around for me. After lots of painful trial and error, I realized that I was making the SAME mistakes over and over again. And once I stopped making these mistakes, I was meeting women left and right. In fact, I actually had to STOP sending out emails because my plate was full. Thats how dramatically things changed for me!

As it turns out, most guys are still making these mistakes and they dont even know it. Its no wonder most guys give up within a MONTH after signing up to online dating sites.

What are these mistakes?

1) First, they write bland/boring dating profiles. Their profiles just dont stand out. They arent using compelling headlines and they arent showing any emotion! They just list facts and the end result is a stale, boring profile with NO excitement.

2) Second, they dont know how to email women in a way that GETS THEIR ATTENTION. Again, their subject lines dont stand out and they dont get how to communicate the Secret Language that women respond to. If you dont know how to email women the right way, you WONT succeed at online dating.

3) Third, they dont know how to respond to women who email THEM first. This is also critical! Most guys get all excited and totally screw it up. When women email you, its a totally different dynamic and you HAVE to know how to handle it.

So, those are the three main online dating mistakes.

Now, how do you write a dating profile that compels women to respond???

Well, first lets look at how NOT to write a dating profile. When I first got into online dating, I wrote up a profile that Im not really proud of. In fact, its downright embarrassing. But, I need to show it to you so youll understand. Just promise me you wont laugh... OK?

Ok here it is:

Subject: "Nice Guy Here!!"

Body: "Hello out there! Well, I just joined this site and Im not too sure what to write but here goes. Im just a simple guy. I like hanging out with my friends and traveling to cool places. Ive found that its so hard to meet women in my area so I thought Id try online dating. Anyway, its always so hard to write stuff about myself so if you like what you see, maybe we can go out on a date sometime.

(Please Im not very confident and NEED your approval. Will you love me??)"

Ok I didnt really include that last line, but I might as well have. So, there it is. Painful, I know...

That was my first really lame attempt at writing a dating profile.

So, whats wrong with this profile? Well, first of all it looks like its coming from a kid and not a man. Theres no real confidence there and no humor, at least not intentional. Its like Im trying to seek her approval in every line. Im unsure about myself, Im uncomfortable in my own skin, basically Im just a total wuss. Thats NOT attractive to women.

Ok so how do you do it right?

Well, Ive come up with what I call my Secret Formula for writing dating profiles. Its a formula Ive been using for years and it NEVER fails me.

1) First, you must start off humorous. Get her emotions going right off the bat. This does two things; it gets her attention right away AND it makes her want to read more.

2) Second, you need to convey your confidence. Use strong, assertive language as you state who you are and what you want making NO apologies for either. This will be in the middle part of your profile.

3) Finally, you finish off with more humor. This gets her laughing again and you get out on a high note. Always good for showmanship. You do this by telling a brief funny story or my favorite, make fun of other guys on the site. I might write something like: "Believe me you want nothing to do with the guy below me, he still lives with his Mother." Or something like that.

So, that is my Secret Formula for writing dating profiles.

Rearranging The Deck Chairs on the Titanic

Ahhh, the memorable quotes and statements said in business meetings, VC pitches and executive presentations around the world. Weve all played buzzword bingo before, noting the buzzword du jour (often "du heure") like synergy, coopetition and incent. In my many years as a consultant, employee and executive, Ive collected a number of buzzphrases that Ive actually heard in meetings. Call these phrases, metaphors, whatever - many are silly, laughable but they are almost all evocative - conveying a memorable feeling that regular descriptive words cant even approach. A big part of successful business is communication and certain words can convey a powerful effect. Take a few of these for a spin in your next meeting. If you have heard of any interesting ones, please comment. Wed love to hear more!

Expressing Futility
When things arent looking so good, here are a few ways to say, things suck.

"Rearranging deck chairs on the titanic" as in "Putting more money into marketing at this point is like rearranging the deck chairs on the titanic"

"Trying to stay on a greased pole" as in "Trying to set up a meeting with him is like trying to stay on a greased pole"

"Two bald guys fighting over a comb" as in "Competing for this small partnership is like two bald guys fighting over a comb"

"Train wreck" as in "If we dont get this project dependencies taken care of, were headed for a train wreck"

"Spray and pray marketing" as in "Buying this generic marketing list is spray and pray marketing".

"Two drunks propping each other up" as in "This partnership with this other 2nd rate startup is like two drunks propping each other up".

"Mouse nuts" as in "This SMB deal really amounts to no more than mouse nuts"

"Death march" as in "This major architectural release just 2 months from now is going to be a death march for our developers."

Taking one for the team
"Death by a 1000 cuts" as in "All of these product requests and support questions from this prospect is like death by a 1000 cuts."

"Designated spear catcher" as in "Yeah, Ill go fly out tonight to do the presentation - Ill be the designated spear catcher."

"He holds the pen, and well move the paper" as in "Weve bent over backwards to all her requests. She just needs to hold the pen, and well move the paper."

"Fall on your own sword" as in "His aggressive push ruffled a lot of feathers - he basically fell on his own sword."

Putting it in Perspective
"Tying two rocks together" as in "Merging with this company is like tying two rocks together to see if it floats."

"Tallest midget" as in "Hey claiming your the proven market leader in this industry is like saying you are the tallest midget"

Its So Easy
"Shooting fish in a barrel" - as in "These leads coming in from the web are like shooting fish in a barrel"

"Barney deals" as in "This non-revenue generating partnership is basically a Barney deal" (in homage to the purple dinosaur who exclaims I love you, you love me.)

Look on the Bright Side
"Turning lemons into lemonade" as in "Team, we need to turn lemons into lemonade by renaming this bug into a feature." Converted from the non-business version (lets turn that frown upside down)

"Futures bright, better wear shades" as in "This new product is going to outsell our flagship - futures bright, better wear shades."

"Good problem to have" as in "We just signed our 100th customer and we only have one technical support person. This is a good problem to have."

"We can no longer wait for the storm to pass - we must learn to work in the rain" as in "We can no longer wait for the storm to pass, we must learn to work in the rain"

"Hitting singles before hitting the home run" as in "Work with these smaller industry analysts first then talk to Gartner - hit a few singles before hitting the home run."

"Roll up the sleeves" as in "Even though Im an executive, I can totally write this datasheet - Im a roll up the sleeves type of gal."

"Hit the ground running" as in "She worked for our competitor before we poached her so she can hit the ground running."

"Calling his baby ugly" as in "It wouldnt be good to criticize the CEOs skunkworks project - its like calling his baby ugly."

"Getting thrown under the bus" as in "Hey, I dont mean to throw Bob under the bus, but I also think he needs to improve his communication style too." or "Well, if were all throwing Bob under the bus, he also needs to take a shower once in a while."

"Too many chefs in the kitchen" as in "Your input on this advertising campaign is most appreciated, but we have too many chefs in the kitchen right now."

"Airplane test" as in "Bills a cool guy, hed pass the airplane test" (youd sit next to the guy on an airplane ride)

"Hill to die on" as in "While I totally disagree with this approach, this is not the hill I want to die on. Ill pick my battles elsewhere."

"Wearing his wig on backwards" as in "Did you see Joe this morning, he looks like he woke up with his wig on backwards"

"One legged man" as in "Since the restructuring hes as busy as a one legged man in an *ss kicking contest."

Finding Opportunity
"Shake some trees and see what falls down" as in "You should go to that conference and shake some trees adn see what falls down".

"Getting invited to the dance - and changing the music" as in "When I was hired, we were a consumer company, and now were a business to business company - its like getting invited to the dance adn then changing the music."

"Low hanging fruit" as in "Even though these are kind of low priority, these are quick wins. Grab the low hanging fruit first." Often noted in slides as LHG.

"Throwing spaghetti on the wall to see what sticks" as in "Weve got 10 marketing messages, lets throw the spaghetti on the wall and see what sticks."

"Kissing dogs" as in "This deal looks a lot better than a lot of the dogs Ive been kissing lately"

In the Know
"Pull them over the fence" as in "I think its time to pull HR over the fence on this acquisition since were going to have to lay off half the staff"

"Secret sauce" as in "This search engine ranking technology based on link popularity is our secret sauce"

Judging a book by its cover
"Lipstick on a pig" as in "This product is really subpar - you can put lipstick on the pig but you cant get it to dance"

"Ghost of authority" as in "The founder is really a ghost of authority - its the CEO you have to talk to."

"Cockroaches behind the wallpaper" as in "I did the due diligence on this merger and found a lot of cockroaches behind the wallpaper."

"Window dressing" as in "Yeah, I know this advisory board is window dressing but it helps us look like a bigger company"

Sales 101
"Bit twiddlers" as in "Are you talking to the business unit decision makers or the technical bit twiddlers"

"Great meeting sex" as in "Its nice you met with them again, but until you close the deal its just great meeting sex."

"Column fodder" as in "The RFP looks like our competitors datasheet - were just column fodder in this deal"

"Feet on the street" as in "Were getting into these regional deals because weve got feet on the street"

"x-legged deals" as in "Youre bringing a sales engineer, engineer and executive with you? These 8-legged deals are expensive"

"Selling ice to eskimos" as in "This sales guy is the best ever - he could sell ice to eskimos"

"Kitted up" as in "I need to go back to headquarters to get "kitted up" (i.e. pick up some datasheets, tchotkes, swag, etc.)

"Going sideways" as in "Hes not returning your phone calls? Im worried this deal is going sideways."

Marketing 101
"Show business" as in "We need this ad campaign. Theres no business without show business."

"Markitecture" as in "The datasheet needs a markitecture diagram that the business and technical person can understand."

"The mommy test" as in "The marketing message needs to pass the mom test."

"Buying holes" as in "Focus on the benefits - people dont go to the hardware store to buy drills, they go there to buy the hole."

"Upper right corner" as in "We need a strategy that is going to put us in the upper right hand corner" (in homage to the Gartner quadrant.)

"Carpet bomb" as in "This launch is going to carpet bomb our verticals"

"Heavy gorilla" as in "MSFT is the 800 pound gorilla"

"Shiny Objects" as in "Put in a good SPIF on this new product - the sales team will say shiny objects and sell em"

"Coin-operated" as in "This generous commission structure will sell these services well - the sales people are all coin operated."

"Tip of the spear" as in "We appreciate the efforts of our sales organization. You are the tip of our spear."

"Land and expand" as in "This free download is a great way to land and expand into an account."

Just Do It
"Bow on this topic" as in "Okay, I think weve put a bow on this topic for now - whats the next agenda item?"

"If you have to kill the problem, dont dent it" as in "This webinar is how were responding to our competitor? If you have to kill the problem, dont dent it."

"Letting the grass grow under your feet" as in "We got a lot of next steps before the next trade show - dont let the grass grow under your feet."

Whats Done is Done
"You cant unring a bell" as in "You gave them that price proposal? Well, you cant unring a bell"

"Zigged instead of zagged" as in "Focusing on the technical champion was a bad idea - I zigged when I should have zagged."

"Pottery barn rule - you break it, you own it" as in "The partnership is starting to fall apart. You know the pottery barn rule."

"Pull back the horns" as in "The hard sell approach was good for a while but you need to pull back the horns a bit and let them figure out their requirements."

"Slowing the train that has left the station" as in "Sending this competitive comparison document is okay, but youre trying to slow a train that has already left the station

"Trophy isnt big enough" as in "There are a lot of mom and pops out there, but the trophy isnt big enough for us to be in the market

Tough Spot
"Sitting in the soup kettle" as in "After the latest quarter, hes sitting in a soup kettle and not enjoying it very much"

"Wobbling wheels on the cart" as in "Hes going to push that project hard - the wheels are beginning to wobble on the cart a bit but itll get done fast."

"Trim the fat" as in "Weve done some serious overhiring - were going to need to trim the organizational fat over the next quarter."

"Porcupines" as in "You have to approach this deal like two porcupines making love - very carefully"

"Arms around the ball" as in "Ive been really busy that I havent yet been able to get my arms around the ball yet"

"Doubleclick" as in "Wait, can you "double click" on that point in the slide"

"Sniff test" as in "I looked at their technology, they didnt pass the sniff test."

"Top order bits" as in "Hold on a second, give me the top order bits first"

"Boiling the ocean" as in "Taking on IBM and Microsoft? I think you might be boiling the ocean here."

"Wood behind the arrow" as in "Is this ROI calculator something I shoudl put all my wood behind the arrow?"

"Wind in the sails" as in "This good product review gives us some good wind in our sails."

Have You Asked God Yet To Bless You With A Baby

Many women facing infertility and miscarrage have asked everyone to help them have a baby except God.

They have asked their husbands, their doctors, friends, "Please Help me to have a baby", But I want to ask you a question, have you asked God to give you a child?

I want to use this bible story of female infertility to encourage you.

This is about a lady named Rachel. The bible says "When Rachel saw that she was not bearing Jacob any children, she became jealous of her sister, because her sister had children.

So she said to Jacob, "Give me children, or Ill die! Jacob became angry with her and said, "Am I in the place of God, who has kept you from having children?" Genesis 30:1-2.

When she got tired of infertility she cried out for help. But she only reached out for the wrong person.

Her husband became angry with her and said, "Am I in the place of God, who has kept you from having children?

I have since discovered from my own life experience that a man is only a tool in the hand of God.

Many times our hearts can be set in the wrong direction, and this affects our outcome in life. Today, I want to encourage you to come to God and ask him for a baby.

You may be facing miscarriage, female infertility, hormonal imbalances, polycystic ovarian problems, or even secondary infertility. You can pray in faith and ask God to heal you.

This is what the bible offers you, Jesus says,

1. Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. Luke 11:9
2. And whatsoever you shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. John 14:13
3. If you shall ask anything in my name, that will I do. John 14:14
These are just a few of Gods promise that if you ask him, he will do it for you. He has promised you and God does not lie.
I have since learnt that there are times our inability to ask God limits what God can do for us.
You may say, what of all those teenagers that get pregnant everyday? Do they really ask God?
Well, we cannot judge our circumstance by another persons standard. But we can deal with God on an individual level, which is what pleases him the most.
Now back to the story of Rachel in the bible. After her husband pointed her to God as her source, she turned her face towards God, knowing only he could give her a baby.

she changed her focus and continued to pray to God. The bible tells us this, "Then God remembered Rachel, he listened to her and opened her womb".

She became pregnant and gave birth to a son and said, "God has taken away my disgrace". She named him Joseph, and said, May the Lord add to me another son.

Note this: God listened to her and opened her womb". This means she did not keep quite. She kept on saying to God, Give me a baby! Give me a baby! Till he did it for her.

God removed the disgrace of infertility from her life. He can do the same for you. He loves you so much.

Please believe me when I tell you this, God truly loves you. You may say, Veronica, you dont even know me, I am so bad. Well, he still loves you.

Let nothing stop you anymore from coming to God. He is waiting to hear your voice. Talk to him today.

Each of us is unique and different and we must come to God based upon his word.

You want a baby? You can open your mouth in faith and ask God to Give you, your own baby. As he did for Rachel. Ask God for what you want now, and be specific with your request.

After you ask, then pray this prayer everyday in faith.

Prayer: How great is the LORD, and how much i should praise him with my mouth.
You have unsealed my lips, O Lord, that I may praise you. I will praise you forever, O God, for what you have done. I will call out to you in faith for I know Lord, you love me and will answer me.
I will wait for your mercies in the presence of your people. I will sacrifice a voluntary offering to you. I will praise your name, O LORD, for it is good.
You said, I should open my mouth and ask you Lord. Lord I ask you in faith to bless me with a son or daughter in the name of Jesus. I am sorry that I did not come to you first.

I know you have forgiven me Lord, because you are so kind. You said when I pray I should believe, I believe from today that you have heard me and honoured me with a child of my own.

O God, I praise your word. I trust in you, so why should I be afraid? What can infertility do to me? You will surely settle me in my home as a happy mother of my own children. As you did for Rachel.
O God, I praise your word. Yes, LORD, I praise your word. Your unfailing love is better to me than life itself, how I praise you!

You satisfy my womb with more than the richest of foods. I carry a child in my womb by faith, and it will surely manifest in the flesh. I will praise you with songs of joy.
I will rejoice in God. All who trust in him will praise him, while infertility will be silenced in my life forever. Thank you, father. Amen.

Relationship Advice When There is Hurt Distancing in Relationships

If someone were to throw a punch at you, you would likely try to defend yourself from getting hit. And if you were to feel the heat of a flaming fire, you would keep yourself far enough away to avoid getting burned. Self-preservation comes naturally as no one wants to experience pain and injury. So threats to our well-being motivate us to distance ourselves from anything with the potential to harm us. It is a necessary and reasonable response in many situations.

Relationships are no different. When we feel hurt or unloved we pull away from people in our lives. We distance ourselves in an effort to protect ourselves from more pain and injury. We may do this in a number of ways. It is often very subtle to start. We might keep ourselves busy and away from the person(s) who hurt us. We might not open ourselves up to sharing what is on our minds and hearts anymore. We might withdraw our warmth and affection. We might stop investing our time in giving and nurturing the relationship.

In all this, what we are actually doing is crying out, "You dont care about me." "I dont feel you love me." "I just want to know I am important to you." "If I pull away will you hear me and notice me then?" But often we do not recognize that our acts of self-preservation can end up pushing others further away. They may begin to feel you dont love or care about them as well. So the emotional distancing pushes you even further apart.

As the hurt deepens, your needs for love, attention, and affection go unmet. When this happens it is common for people to try to meet their own needs. They divert their energies and attention to other things such as work, hobbies, parenting, socializing, shopping, and an entire host of addictions. Pulling away and distancing in relationships causes disconnection. Without connectedness relationships do not work. That may explain why many give up on their relationships. As a result, feelings of hurt, betrayal and failure keep them from believing that restoration is possible.

But there is a healing balm that can heal every wound. It soothes the sting of burns and takes away the pain. It comforts broken hearts and revives hope again. It provides a place of refuge where you feel safe and secure to share and give of yourself all over again. Where it flows in abundance, there miracles happen. It is the greatest gift of all. It is what relationships are meant for. It is the gift of love.

Love, along with honor, commitment, and healthy communication restores brokenness. If you have pulled away from a relationship in an effort to protect yourself from getting hurt, will you allow love to break down the walls youve erected? Will you make a decision to not accept failure for your relationships? Will you begin to draw close to others and communicate your feelings and needs to them? Today can be a new day to build and enrich your relationships as you begin to draw near to others in love, grace and forgiveness.

Relationship Advice: When There is Hurt & Distancing in Relationships
Copyright © 2007 All Rights Reserved

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Tips On How To Use Psychological Warfare To Get Your Ex Running Home To You

Tips On How To Use Psychological Warfare To Get Your Ex Running Home To You.

Breakups are powerful there is not an? doubt ab?ut it, ?nd h?ving to cope w?th th? ensuing damaged heart sh?uldnt be mu?h fun either. Should ??u’ve recently broken up w?th an ?x boyfriend or girlfriend I know ex??tly h?w y?u feel.

At fir?t the emotions of being lonely ar? nearl? untollerable. You m?y find ?ourself questioning wh? th?ir in th? company of, ?n the event that the? found ?nother person, and wh? they left ?ou ?n th? f?rst place. Getting thr?ugh th?s occurrence i? n?thing lower th?n torture hav?ng g?ne thr?ugh ?everal horrible breakups m?s?lf I g?t it completely.

Your initial intuition aft?r ? split up ?an b? t? reach out t? thi? p?rt?cular person ?nd attempt t? repair what went wrong. You might be engaging ?n things l?ke text terrorism, sending drunken voice messages, or ?ven resorting t? showing up at places ?ou know he ?r ?he ?re go?ng t? be. All ?f thi? ?s th? completely th? unsuitable thing t? do after all, however dont hold ?our??lf to blame ?t’s solely natural.

The f?rst bit ?f recommendation th?t I ma? give ?ou ?f in case ?ou hav? been n?t too long ago involved in ? separation i? t? stop speaking with th?s person instantly, educate yourself, ?nd formulate a plan of attack. In reality relationship is noth?ng greater than psychological combat. If y?u go into war with out a weapon y?u w?ll certainly lose ?s thousands earlier th?n y?u have.

The ??cond bit of advice th?t I ma? give you ?s to learn precisely learn how to t? make th? first move t? g?t back your girlfriend ?r boyfriend b?fore it ?s t?o late. The primary few weeks ?r months after a separation ar? extremely crucial, ?nd be?ng prepared can enormously improve ?our possibilities ?f getting back ?our ex-lover.

Luckily for you th?s matter h?s ?ctuall? b?en covered intimately by ?ust a f?w acknowledged specialists in th? relationship make-up game.

If ??u’re suffering fr?m ? broken heart, d? ?our self ?n enormous favor ?nd click ?n ?ne ?f m?ny hyperlinks on this article or w?thin th? resource box ?nd take ? lo?k ?t ? video produced by considered ?ne ?f thes? acknowledged experts. You do n?t have t? carry ?n t? exist without ?our ?x girlfriend ?r boyfriend, y?u w?ll get th?m ?gain however it? important t? know the appropr?at? approach t? d? it.

Stop b?ing s?rr? for ?our ?elf ?nd begin taking action, wh?ther ?r not y?u cons?d?r it or n?t there ar? dependable steps th?t ?ou m?y tak? th?t w?ll virtually guarantee ?our ex boyfriend or girlfriend w?ll c?m? running aga?n into ??ur arms.

Subsequent I n??d t? provde the prime thre? mistakes that m??t people make once th?? tr? t? g?t back t?geth?r with th??r x’s and ensure th?t ??u d?nt make them. I will present ??u precisely wh?t to say, precisely methods to act, and exa?tl? what t? do to g?t them back.

If your? reall? critical ?b?ut getting her or him back act r?ght ?wa? before ?t’s too late, click ?n th? hyperlink beneath thi? text or in the resource box t? learn more.

from How to Get Your Ex Back - Make Ex Want You Back

Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back Using The No Contact Rule

Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back Using The No Contact Rule

Going thr?ugh the painful emotions of a breakup w?th y?ur boyfriend (now ex boyfriend) is tough, but ?ne ?f the BIGGEST mistakes ??u can make right n?w is contacting him. “But I w?nt t? g?t h?m back right now!” I hear y?u say. Of c?ur?e ??u do, however contacting h?m i? NOT th? w?y t? go which i? why ??u need t? read the rest of this article t? ?ee h?w you ??n u?e the no contact rule to make HIM desperate f?r YOU back.

What is the No Contact Rule?

By simple definition, the no contact rule means cutting of ?ll contact with ?our ex. This ma? go ag??nst the feelings y?u have r?ght now; all y?u w?nt to d? is call h?m ?nd explain how mu?h ?ou love him, miss him, w?nt him back etc. But l?t me g? thr?ugh th? reasons wh? do?ng that won’t work.

Guys hate clinging. In fact, they run ?way from ?nything ‘clingy’. Males want t? feel that their freedom ?s intact, this means th? avoidance ?f m??t ‘commitment’ where possible. When ?ou cling, y?u ar? effectively forcing h?m t? commit t? som?thing (your relationship) ag??nst h?? will by him accepting ?our clinging behavior. This w?ll make him uncomfortable and ?nl? succeed ?n driving h?m further away from you.

Guys ?ppre???te independent girls. By contacting h?m ?ft?r ? breakup, ??u ar? onl? showing that ?ou can’t g?t on with?ut him ?nd this w?ll push h?m furth?r aw?? fr?m you. Guys want girls who h?ve th?ir ?wn lives, th??r ?wn friends ?nd the?r ?wn ambitions. While y?ur ?x boyfriend m?ght ap?re??at? that y?u want t? spend time with him, h? will want to spend m?re time with YOU ?f y?u make ?t ?eem l?k? you h?ve ? lot g??ng on. And ?ou do, ??u have your friends, family, daily commitments and what-not. Don’t ruin th?s fact by contacting h?m if you re?ll? want to g?t your ex boyfriend back.

He w?nt? th? chase! Guys ?r? suckers f?r ? good chase. It’s the w?? males are programmed, ?t’s be?n this wa? for all ?f history ?nd ?ts n?t d?fferent now. By depriving him ?f that chase, you ?re depriving h?m of h?s favourite past time and th?t means h? w?ll th?nk he ?s g?tt?ng ? lot le?? ?ut of ?our relationship th?n h? thinks he should. Bottom line i? th?t you n?ed to make h?m feel l?k? h?’? worked f?r it.

How y?u c?n u?? th? No Contact Rule t? drive ?our ?x boyfriend crazy

Now th?t ??u kn?w the reasons why contacting him w?n’t work, you ??n begin to ?ee h?w y?u ??n u?e th?? t? y?ur advantage. Don’t cling, be independent – k?ep running ?our ?wn life, give him th? chase! By not contacting him, he will begin t? realise th?t y?u r?all? CAN get ?n without h?m ?nd in turn that h? made a mistake. He w?ll then tr? t? contact y?u but dont give ?n just yet. Make him work for ?t – ?ft?r all, ?ou deserved t? b? worked f?r don’t you? Take ?n what y?uve learnt her? ?bout th? n? contact rule and ?ou w?ll b? ?n ? much b?tt?r position to g?t your ex boyfriend back. Not ?u?t that, HE w?ll b? the ?n? desperate to get YOU back. Please understand that th?s ?? ?u?t one of ? number ?f effective techniques you ?an u?? t? get h?m back.

from How to Get Your Ex Back - Make Ex Want You Back

Help save my marriage from failing

How to save marriage from failing after a disastrous ad catastrophic event has taken place may seem like a hard thing to do, but it can be done. There are many times when something horrible has happened in the life of a couple that the stress ends up being too much to bear. These are times it is important to know how to save marriage.

The need to know how to save marriage can come as a result of something in the marriage or relationship falling apart as the two struggle to deal with what has happened. Many times it happens after the death of a loved one or especially a child. Sometimes it will happen after a wreck. Maybe it was because of some natural disaster or an act of hatred by some unknown entity. It could be because of illness to one of you or anything else that happened that caused your world to fall apart.

There are some very important things that are how to save marriage from ending you need to know. You need to understand that people act and react differently to events. The most obvious is the differences between how men and women typically deal with things. Some people repress feelings while others are more outward and more obvious in their grieving. Understanding this and accepting it will help go a long way in knowing how to save marriage. Dont expect your loved one to react the same way that you do.

Another thing that you need to know is that grief many times rings out the worse in people and negative traits are often exaggerated. Patience is needed in understanding why some very negative changes take place in their personalities. You have to be able to see those changes taking place in yourself. Dont excuse the behavior and dont let harmful behaviors ruin things more but understand what is happening.

In both of the above marriage counseling is needed. Marriage counselors will usually be very adept at helping couples struggling through these times. Whether it is a Christian marriage or any other, there are places and people you can go to that will help you and the one you love get through this.

Here are some suggestions for other things that will help you get through this time:

~ Commit to each other that you are going to get through this together. Be a team fully supporting each other and understanding each other. When one is particularly weak at one point, be there. Find for them and help shoulder the load. Ask that the same be done for you.

~ Grow your support team. Find close friends and family that will help you through this. There is no reason that the two of you should go through this around. Find a network or a group of people who have gone through similar things. There is strength in numbers.

~ Find a reason to laugh again. Watch a silly sitcom on TV or some stupid funny movie. Watch one of those funny home movie shows for some good laughs. Spend time with fun loving people who you have a good time with Laughing will make you feel better and gives you a break from the weight you carry.

When you have suffered greatly, it doesnt mean that the marriage has to come to an end. It can be made stronger if you are serious about finding how to save marriage.

Does Getting Your Ex Back Work

Does Getting Your Ex Back Work.

If youre looking for Does Getting Your Ex Back Work. Congratulations. Youre the right place. Just a Minute!. You try to learn the content article below. It may help you.

Perhaps there is any feeling in the world that is certainly worse compared to the person you adore letting you know its over? Its heartbreaking to put it mildly. An advanced woman that is desperately crazy about her boyfriend and hes now decided that he just doesnt feel the same way about you, you likely feel as though your entire world has fallen apart. It doesnt have to be that way. If you do truly love him still and you cant imagine a future that doesnt include him, theres help for you. Understanding how to win him back after he dumps you are able to mean the difference between countless days and nights without him and a future that is certainly filled up with deep love and promise.

Finding out how to acquire him back after he dumps you includes recognizing that emotions cannot rule your movements. Its so hard to keep a clear head and clear minded if the man you love tells you which he doesnt feel the same anymore. Youre going to feel desperate and crying is going to become second nature to you, but youve got to hide all of that from him. When a man makes the decision to end a relationship and he knows full well that the woman is still crazy about him, hes anticipating a certain reaction from her. Your boyfriend expects you to become an emotional mess and he knows youll fall apart. Hes ready for it. Thats why its essential for you to do something in direct contrast. Youve got to show him that youre stronger than that and mature enough to handle a change. Hold your emotions in whenever you are around him or talking to him.

The next thing you need to do whenever your boyfriend dumps you may seem almost impossible but its going to push a trigger within him that can make him crave to be with you again. You will reject him to. Dont be cruel about this. Simply tell him that you also believe that a split is in order. While you say this dont cry. Try to remain calm and collected. This one move will shift the dynamic of the relationship in an instant. No longer will you be the rejected one, but youll be the one doing the rejected. Men cant stand rejection. It eats away at them and makes them crave to have whatever rejected them. In no time at all, hell be the one trying to win back your heart.

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