Image by *H?m?d via Flickr
Understand what chemistry is!
If youve never really felt strong chemistry with another person, it can be hard to get an idea of what it is. What most people call chemistry is a sense that the two of you are just meant to be together. Youre both perfectly at ease with each other and have a strong physical attraction for each other. While it might have something to do with looks and pheromones, most of it is mental. It comes from you and your sweetie having the same beliefs, dreams, and maybe even habits and pet peeves.
Develop a rapport!
Before you can build up any chemistry, you need to have a good rapport first. If youve only seen each other for one or two dates, that rapport may not quite be there yet. To create it, look for a conversation topic you can really bond over. Just make sure its something pleasant and low-stress, though. You may discover you both love discussing ways to end famine in Africa, but that subject doesnt help your partner associate you with pleasure and fun.
Use humor!
Laughter is not only fun, it also makes us feel at ease with another person. You dont have to be a professional comedian. Even an attempt at humor in your own style can work. Just keep it clean and neutral so you dont offend your date right off the bat.
Adrenaline is your friend!
Studies have shown that couples who met in an exciting situationwhether pleasurable or nottend to find each other more attractive. More so than couples who met under normal circumstances. It works because the mind associates any excitement with the person were with at the time and mistakes it for physical attraction. Make use of this by planning a date that will get the adrenaline pumping like a scary movie, a rollercoaster ride, or even whitewater rafting.
Express yourself!
You cant have chemistry in relationships with people who dont know the real you. Instead of keeping your opinions to yourself in hopes of hiding anything your partner might not like about you, make it a point to share your thoughts and feelings about important issues. Sometimes just a single off-hand comment can make your date fall for you hard.
Enhance the physical!
Some tips for how to increase chemistry in relationships will tell you to touch your date on the knee or arm early on. You want to be careful with that, though. Get physical too early on and you could just end up turning your partner off. Instead, start by just talking about what physical features you each find most attractive in the opposite sex and then using the info you gain to your advantage.
Chemistry in relationships may be mysterious and hard to control, but that doesnt mean you cant help it along a little. Make sure you start with a good rapport, throw in a little humor and excitement and youll be off to a good start.
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