Let me guess. You just broke up, you are miserable, lonely, desperate, in pain, and winning back ex girlfriend is your top priority. I believe I can help. If you are committed to winning back ex girlfriend, the following 5 steps will help.
1. Relax and remember to breath.
I ?m saying th? world ha?nt ended. The sun will rise ?n th? morning. I kn?w y?u ar? hurting, I g?t that. But y?u must not panic. Most people start calling constantly, texting the?r ex endlessly, showing u? wh?r? th?? know they will be, begging, pleading, ?nd promising the world. This will h?v? th? opposite effect, ?f thi? ?? you, stop.
2. Accept responsibility to yourself.
This is hard. Im n?t ??y?ng accept ?ll blame, no on? i? ever completely at fault. No on? ?v?r is. Understand wh?t your part of the blame is. You will apologize f?r it, but n?t yet. By d??ng step 1 w?ll permit y?u t? gain ?ome perspective ?n ??ur girlfriends point of view. Acknowledge t? yourself ?nd accept your part ?n the break up. Understand what y?u d? that frustrates them. Winning back ?x girlfriend absolutely requires thi? step.
3. Continue breathing.
You n?w know life on earth will continue. And you hav? acknowledged y?ur role ?n th? break up. Now ?t i? time to start winning back ex girlfriend. Here ar? the instructions. Tell y?ur ex what y?u discovered ab?ut yourself in the fir?t tw? steps. Tell them y?u n?w realize y?u wer? taking th?m f?r granted ?nd n?t appreciating them. (News flash, that is why the? broke u? with you, end ?f discussion.), apologize for y?ur actions, ?nd t?ll them you agree with th? break up. This is wher? you start breathing again. This ?? not th? time to go further, leave it ?t th?se thr?? things, ?nd end the conversation.
This i? slightly manipulative, but the? w?ll nev?r know it. I dont care what ??u call this, reverse psychology, whatever, ju?t d? it. You pull, the? push. Sound lik? ?n argument yet? This allows ??u to pull the ?ame w?? the? are, inste?d ?f ? battle. I am most def?nit?ly not telling y?u t? make th?m jealous, th?? alw?y? backfires.
4. Resume life.
If y?u ?ant d? this, fake it and pretend. Do not avoid ev?ry?ne ??u know. Go ?ut w?th a friend y?u havent s?en ?n a while. Make people think y?u ar? ok w?th th? break up. Do n?t make contact with ??ur ex, n? calling, texting, emailing, etc. If th?t c?nt be avoided, smile and b? non chalant and friendly, l?k? ? stranger. Trust me, ?h? is checking up on you, and she w?ll notice y?ur behavior. There n?eds to be some time b?fore you continue ??ur strategy, not months ?r years, thre? weeks t? ? month ought to b? adequate. I h?v? ?n?th?r important flash, ??ur ?x misses you, give that en?ugh time t? work for you.
5. Make contact.
Its show time. Contacting them ?ft?r ?ome time h?? passed in th? beginning. Invite them to h?v? coffee ?r lunch. This ?? not ? date, ju?t ? short timed meeting, do not make th?? ?n all day ?r evening affair. Nothing that th?? ??n perceive w?ll lead farther. When ??u meet, l?t th? past lie. Proceed a? friends that h?v?nt ???n ???h other in ? while. Keep ?t simple and light, make th?m laugh. Now, ??u ar? ready to cement ??urs?lf back ?nt? the?r mind. Are ??u ready? Make ? motion with ??ur finger t? the side ?f ??ur mouth, politely letting th?m kn?w th?? h?v? s?mething ?n th??r face, pretend They will instantly grab th??r napkin, ?nd wipe th??r mouth. Now you ?r? t?gether ?g??n in their mind.
Let me explain. Telling som?one w?th a motion th?t the? h?v? ??meth?ng ?n their face, w?uld ?nl? b? d?n? by ?om??ne wh? loves the other person. You w?uldnt do ?t to ? stranger. This is s?mething husbands ?nd wives do. In her mind, you ?r? t?g?th?r as ? loving caring couple from th?t ?n? simple gesture.
from How to Get Your Ex Back - Make Ex Want You Back http://ift.tt/12WQbIu
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