Tuesday, March 22, 2016

4 Signs of a Cheating Spouse Plus 1 Bonus Tip to Make Sure That You Get Proof of Infidelity

Do you want to know the easiest way to learn whether or not your spouse is cheating on you?

What about FOUR easiest ways?

What Id like to do in this article is do everything possible to help you catch your spouse cheating on you.

4 Signs of Cheating You Need to Know

1. You Find Foreign Hair in Your Own Home

If youre ever vacuuming the floor, making your bed, or going to the bathroom and notice (either on the floor, counter, sink, whatever) a stray piece of hair, and also notice that it is NOT your or your spouses, then you should beware who theyre bringing into your home.

Youd be surprised at the amount of affairs that will actually take place just inside your house. This is especially true if your spouse is a stay at home mom or dad. If this is the case, then theyre very likely to just invite someone over to play with while you and the kids are away. Loose strands of hair may not seem like a big deal, but youll know when to be suspicious.

2. You Find a Receipt to a Restaurant Youve Never Been to

99% of all affairs in the United States will leave a paper trail of some kind.

Heck, thats why we even have Lawyers and Private Investigators...Their job is to find all tangible proof of infidelity (among other things, of course).

One of the biggest signs of cheating that anyone can ever find is an incriminating receipt. If you find evidence that your husband or wife has gone to a restaurant that youve never been to, and didnt tell you about it, then theyve got a LOT of explaining to do.

Beware the smooth talking spouse!

3. Your Spouse Buys New Clothes

If youve been noticing an increase in the amount of time your suspect wife or husband spends shopping for a new wardrobe, then you could be looking at one of the main symptoms of infidelity...A desire to look good and new.

You see, most men and women whove made the leap from monogamy to infidelity will usually make BIG changes in their life around the same time. Its just that mentality. Therefore it only makes sense that your spouse would want to spend money on new clothes.

Bonus Tip: Dont even think about hiring a P.I. until youve exhausted ALL your knowledge on catching an affair. Trust me, it will save you a LOT of money. You can almost always find some sort of incriminating receipt or movie ticket or bank statement. Just be creative.

4. Asks You a Weird Question About Love

"Do you think that one person can love two people?"

"Do you really believe in true love?"

"How do you know you love me?"

These are all questions that a guilty spouse will ask either right before they cheat, or right at the beginning of their affair. Think about it...If you were torn between two people, wouldnt it be feasible that youd ask weird questions like that? Of course.

A guilty spouse will almost always ask 1 or 2 of these super suspicious questions.

What About Proof?

Now listen, Im willing to bet that youve still got a couple more questions about affairs, what they are, how to catch them, etc etc.

Unfortunately, Im out of room in this article. However! I have something even better! What Id like to do is give you a couple options for where to go next:


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