Are You Frustrated with online dating?
If youre like most guys, you are. Youre tired of not meeting ATTRACTIVE women from online dating sites.
I mean, who wants to pay $30 a month with no results? Right?
Believe me, I know how frustrating it can be... Ive been there and I struggled with it for years. I thought I would NEVER be able to meet the woman of my dreams online.
When I first started online dating, women were ignoring ALL my profiles and emails. In fact, I would often send out 10 to 20 emails A DAY and get NO responses. It was crazy! And I wasnt exactly the kind of guy to go out and approach hot women in bars and clubs so online dating was my only option at the time.
Well, one day everything turned around for me. After lots of painful trial and error, I realized that I was making the SAME mistakes over and over again. And once I stopped making these mistakes, I was meeting women left and right. In fact, I actually had to STOP sending out emails because my plate was full. Thats how dramatically things changed for me!
As it turns out, most guys are still making these mistakes and they dont even know it. Its no wonder most guys give up within a MONTH after signing up to online dating sites.
What are these mistakes?
1) First, they write bland/boring dating profiles. Their profiles just dont stand out. They arent using compelling headlines and they arent showing any emotion! They just list facts and the end result is a stale, boring profile with NO excitement.
2) Second, they dont know how to email women in a way that GETS THEIR ATTENTION. Again, their subject lines dont stand out and they dont get how to communicate the Secret Language that women respond to. If you dont know how to email women the right way, you WONT succeed at online dating.
3) Third, they dont know how to respond to women who email THEM first. This is also critical! Most guys get all excited and totally screw it up. When women email you, its a totally different dynamic and you HAVE to know how to handle it.
So, those are the three main online dating mistakes.
Now, how do you write a dating profile that compels women to respond???
Well, first lets look at how NOT to write a dating profile. When I first got into online dating, I wrote up a profile that Im not really proud of. In fact, its downright embarrassing. But, I need to show it to you so youll understand. Just promise me you wont laugh... OK?
Ok here it is:
Subject: "Nice Guy Here!!"
Body: "Hello out there! Well, I just joined this site and Im not too sure what to write but here goes. Im just a simple guy. I like hanging out with my friends and traveling to cool places. Ive found that its so hard to meet women in my area so I thought Id try online dating. Anyway, its always so hard to write stuff about myself so if you like what you see, maybe we can go out on a date sometime.
(Please Im not very confident and NEED your approval. Will you love me??)"
Ok I didnt really include that last line, but I might as well have. So, there it is. Painful, I know...
That was my first really lame attempt at writing a dating profile.
So, whats wrong with this profile? Well, first of all it looks like its coming from a kid and not a man. Theres no real confidence there and no humor, at least not intentional. Its like Im trying to seek her approval in every line. Im unsure about myself, Im uncomfortable in my own skin, basically Im just a total wuss. Thats NOT attractive to women.
Ok so how do you do it right?
Well, Ive come up with what I call my Secret Formula for writing dating profiles. Its a formula Ive been using for years and it NEVER fails me.
1) First, you must start off humorous. Get her emotions going right off the bat. This does two things; it gets her attention right away AND it makes her want to read more.
2) Second, you need to convey your confidence. Use strong, assertive language as you state who you are and what you want making NO apologies for either. This will be in the middle part of your profile.
3) Finally, you finish off with more humor. This gets her laughing again and you get out on a high note. Always good for showmanship. You do this by telling a brief funny story or my favorite, make fun of other guys on the site. I might write something like: "Believe me you want nothing to do with the guy below me, he still lives with his Mother." Or something like that.
So, that is my Secret Formula for writing dating profiles.
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