Monday, May 23, 2016

Cosmic Gossip Scorpio

SCORPIO is the keeper of secrets. There is much depth to this sign, as deep as the ocean. Scorpio is content to discover everything about others, but will divulge little about his or her self and this puzzling quality makes them all the more magnetic. Their eyes are storms-at-sea ready to pull you into their undertow and sweep you away. Their reputation of being highly sexual comes with a bill of sale. Lure a Scorpio or be lured you will not be disappointed. However, their sexuality is only one layer of their personality; a lifetime is not enough to peel back all the layers. Anyone touched by a Scorpio will transform. The intense energy of Scorpio will have his or her way and no other. If you think you love a Scorpio, be warned of the potency of such a partnership. So complex and almost impossible to understand, Scorpio makes being in love an extended sea voyage.

Scorpio is loyal and courageous, but when angered revenge is their standard. A Scorpio possesses you and his or her jealous streak is unmatched. If you love a Scorpio be aware of his or her moods. The state of mind is not weepy or tell-me-you-love-me but rather the leave-me-alone moody that throws a dark shadow over his or her face.

Be wise...oblige your Scorpio mate and disappear for a while. Some days he or she needs to dive into the depths of their soul to gain peace and balance. A Scorpio partner is capable of bestowing much love on his or her chosen lover. Scorpio is loves champion. This watery mortal will die for you. After all, it is "until death do us part."

ARIES (March 21-April 20) Aries has the whole month to use compatible energy to take a risk. Children or young people can be a source of satisfaction or celebration. You are comfortable with stand-alone time. It is natural to be the first in line and all of that. Lessons usually involve how to integrate, how to be in partnership without loss of self. For the next few years you will not have to go to class, all your learning involves being solo. Cosmic Advice: The true test of knowing will be if you prefer a table for one or two.

TAURUS (April 21-May 20) Taurus will struggle with the challenges of home and self. There is much activity around family and not everyone agrees all the time. There is a continuous melodrama going on this month, one scenario after another. The events of family can affect your workday, and cause you to be delayed getting in on time, or force you to take time off. Cosmic Advice: Everything is out there-no secrets and no place to hide.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21) Gemini can use the opportunities of community and local press or people to write, read or speak. Want to have fun? This will be more of a chore than you think. There is always something to be done that gets in the way of a good time. Commitments need to be made and that always turns up the serious side of things. Cosmic Advice: Pay attention to your co-workers there are some secrets and backstabbing. This will be less obvious mid-month. Keep your sweet intake to a minimum.

CANCER (June 22-July 21) Cancer will be spending less and less time at home. You will question where you live, maybe out of your suitcase. Your resources are available and you can spend generously. Do not go too crazy. There is a nice flow of energy between you and a child or lover until mid-month. Talk will shift to daily routine, what you eat and how traveling disrupts your diet. Cosmic Advice: Do repairs at home while you are away. Do not leave any windows open-lock up valuables-something could get lost.

LEO (July 23-August 22) Leo is restless and cannot sleep. There is so much to do. Leo needs to have center stage and needs to win every argument and play the role. Costumes would be nice, anything that kicks up the drama. You may feel that you are a stranger in your neighborhood or community; this may be real or imaginary. An older sibling may require your attention or may give you needed opportunities. Cosmic Advice: Avoid confrontations with relatives at the dinner table. Thanksgiving should be a fun affair. Say Bless us everyone.

VIRGO (August 23-September 22) Virgos energy level is low. Take care of your health over the next several weeks. Your reserves are there to keep you healthy but are not obvious. By nature, you are frugal, so the desire to hold on to your resources is not foreign. If you are older you might consider retirement, if younger you might be saving for the same. Cosmic Advice: Speak with siblings this month, call or write an aunt or uncle as well.

LIBRA (September 23-October 22) Libra prefers being a couple, but over the next few years, this will be a challenge. How to be a couple and be independent? This has been your life lesson and now you will be tested. Seek out friends, these individuals may have some answers and may be a healthy source of much needed entertainment. Cosmic Advice: Your friends are generous and can pour some light into a dark day.

SCORPIO (October 23-November 21) Scorpio has skeletons in his or her closet. What and who is behind that closed door? There will be no answer for several months. Your career has you challenged-but whatever you must work for often brings the best rewards. Make some changes to your exterior, face, hair clothes are a good place to begin. Do this by mid-month or you will begin to question the money. Cosmic Advice: Dress up on the job-wear something over the top-very dramatic-attract attention.

SAGITTARIUS November 22-December 21) Sagittarius can speak and be heard mid-month. Frank opinions will be sought and you are the master of cutting through the nonsense. Until then there is much on your mind but it is unspoken. Keeping secrets is not your style; fortunately such occasions are short lived. Cosmic Advice: You may feel that you cannot rely on a friend, may be someone older and wiser can offer you a future opportunity.

CAPRICORN (December 22-January 19) Capricorn has a lot to balance. Adjustments must be made with joint finances. There is much drama with what to do or not do with a gift, reimbursement, inheritance or the like. Someone feels generous but for you it is not so cut & dry. You will find yourself making choices regarding profession. What is it that you want to be doing? This question will get answered-just be patient. Cosmic Advice: Decide what is worth cultivating and what is not.

AQUARIUS (January 20-February 18) Aquarius is balancing off the energy of a partner. Confrontation could be a bit dramatic, try to keep things from turning into a sitcom. You will be done with secrets and difficult communication by mid-month. If you are bilingual strike up a conversation with a foreign visitor. Stay under the radar with a female of the same profession who is not working on your behalf. Cosmic Advice: You are still entertaining Lady Luck-do not forget that she is on your team.

PISCES (February 19-March 20) Pisces must adjust to the habits of co-workers. There can be dramatic confrontations that are all about getting more attention. Use your creativity daily, brighten your office space, put up pictures and decorate a little. Another source of adjustment is with jointly held resources, this will not go away as quick as the work stuff. There are lessons to be learned from what you do with the resources of others. Cosmic Advice: If you are traveling, be sure to spend some time by the sea.


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