Staying close requires conscious attention and effort.
Here are two powerful tips for staying connected and close.
1) Guard your heart.
Affairs are the first thing most people think of when I say guard your heart. And its the first place to start.
As flawed human beings, each and every one of us is vulnerable to falling into an affair.
Each and every one of us.
If you believe this applies to your neighbor but not you, then you are more vulnerable than your neighbor.
At the same time, guarding your heart means much more than just protecting yourself from an affair.
Your heart can go to many other places and treasure many other things beside your partner. Your treasure can be a career, a hobby, friends, or even watching television.
Where do you find your thoughts going? In what areas of life do you feel the most passion?
Your treasure is where your passion and thoughts go.
Heres the thing to remember: w
herever your treasure is, that is where your heart is going to be also.
2) Frequent recommitment and celebration.
There is the horrible old joke about the elderly couple that had been married for many years, and one day the wife says,
"Why do you never tell me you love me anymore?"
The husband responded, "Well, honey, I told you I loved you the day we got married, and if anything changes, Ill let you know."
What a jerk, right?
Yet we often act this way without even realizing it. Our relationships are on autopilot and we just assume people know how we feel about them.
Here are 3 ways to put this idea into action:
1) Once a year, on your anniversary, say your vows to each other again.
2) At least once a year or so, go to a marriage conference or retreat.
3) Celebrate monthly, on the date you got married. If you married on the 24th, then on the 24th of each month, have a "mini-anniversary" and celebrate in some way.
Practice these two principles for staying close and connected.
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