Get Your Ex Back Staying Cool Is The Rule
When ?our heartbroken, life be?omes colorless, food loses taste, bright sunshine filled days lo?k ?s gray and a? bleak, a? rainy days. Its ? rough road to travel ?nd m?st adults h?ve traveled it at least once. Some n?ver make it, there ?r? sorrows too big t? bear for som? people. Dont l?t th?t happen to you.
Instead ?f getting emotional, wh??h will devastate y?ur chances ?f reconciliation, b? agreeable, t?ll your ?x th?t ?ou th?nk breaking u? m?y be b?st for b?th of you. Remember he/shes leaving b?caus? he/shes h?d ?t w?th ??ur behavior and he/she is expecting ?ou to blow ? cork and start go?ng nuts. He/she expects it, th?nk th?? thr?ugh and g?t your mind ?round it, your ex expects you t? becom? emotional and make ? bunch of promises ?nd maybe ?v?n throw things around, or worse. You can immediately change th? break-up dynamic by remaining calm ?nd saying that ??u w?re actually thinking ?long the ??me lines, a break-up w?ll allow u? some space, thi? relationship w?s not reall? working for m? and n?w I see ?t h?snt been working for ??u either.
Take ?om? time now, ? f?w weeks ?nd give ??ur ex time t? g? ?ut and g?t th?ir head figured out ? l?ttl? bit, t? g?t t? ? place wher? th?? ??n hash out what has b?en g?ing on. Same go?? f?r you, heck y?u might ev?n find th?t a break-up r??lly ?s wh?t you d? need. Some space to th?nk ?nd evaluate where ?ou want t? go w?th ?our life will let ?ou make a m?re rational decision. Now dont quit reading, hear me out, you ju?t planted the seed ?f doubt in the?r mind as ??on as y?u reacted calmly to their leaving, your ?x i? thinking wow I thought he/she w?? gonna freak out, maybe.., you ??e he/she ?? going to lose ??me of that confidence th?t they made the right decision then and there. That uncertainty w?ll work on them ov?r th? next f?w weeks.
During ?our time a??rt analyze what the problems w?r? ?nd ?f ??u need to, get some counseling t? h?l? ?ou figure out what w?nt wrong. Learn h?w t? change th??e things ?bout your behavior that you ??n fix. Dont all?w y?urself to b??om? isolated, th?s ?s a ver? tough time f?r you and y?u n??d family ?nd friends ?r?und you. If you cut th?m ?ff ??u could end up ?n ? terrible ?nd dangerous depression. In fact as part of ??ur personal therapy make ??urs?lf g? ?e? ?om? one you h?vent ??en for ? while, ?n old high school chum or ?ther person ??u r?all? w?uld l?ke t? touch base with but have been. The exercise is to get ??u out and ke?? ?ou moving if y?u ?re asked t? go out t? parties go, but dont g?t wasted this i? ? time for reflection. Just sip y?ur drinks ?nd stop after thre? or so. You have t? b? careful n?t to go falling ?f the edge r?ght now.
Now if ??u truly h?d some character flaws, someth?ng ??u kn?w you ?ould work on that w?? maybe the central problem with ?our ex then ?? ?ou ?re making th?s? changes, you can l?t ?t g?t out to the?r side ?f th? family th?t your making progress. You d?nt a?k them to tell him/her, ?ou ju?t let them know your changing y?ur game. The news w?ll get back t? ?our ex sooner or later.
A lot ?f times y?u wont hav? t? wait long bef?re ?our ?x calls you, I me?n ?n l??? th?n ? week, ma?be it w?ll tak? longer, but the? will probably call you, ?f y?u h?ve played it cool ?nd not gone crazy or g?t ?ll emotional. You start crying and begging them to stay, th?y will DESPISE YOU. But ?f y?u stayed cool Then y?ur ?x w?ll eventually call you. When They do, dont g?t all excited ?nd tr? ?nd get togeth?r right away, th?t w?ll not work, th?t will undo that hard work ??uv? don? being cool when the? left you.
Instead ke?p you conversation short tell th?m your glad the? called but ?ou ?re in th? middle of something and ?ou have to go, ?r bett?r t?ll th?m y?ur going t? b? tied u? for the next f?w days could the? call ?ou back in four ?r fiv? days. Now the? ?re go?ng t? be scratching their head say?ng whats up? wh?t hav? I done
The ball ?nd the power g?t back ?n your side, ?ou start appearing to ?our ex t? be more attractive and desirable that way. So play ?t COOL aft?r th?s contact th?y w?ll call y?u again, k??? ?t short but show h?r y?ur interested by talking to h?r for ab?ut fiv? minutes ?nd th?n s?y you gotta go. From now on your busy ?ou can onl? talk ? f?w minutes finally y?ur ex will suggest ?ou g?t tog?ther for coffee ?r lunch etc, ?our ?n y?ur wa? to gett?ng your ex back.
from How to Get Your Ex Back - Make Ex Want You Back
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