Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Get Back At Ex By Being Nice 4 Ways To Get Back At Them With Kindness

There are different ways for someone to deal with their ex boyfriend or ex girlfriend. Some people want to cause their ex pain or suffering by being rude and vindictive. Others want to get back at ex by being nice. Those who choose to get back at their ex by being a nice person take the high-road, and come across as a better person by doing so. If you want to get back at your ex, there are 4 major ways to get back at them with kindness.

Send them Flowers

Flowers are the ultimate gesture of kindness. We can send someone flowers to tell them that we love them. We can also send flowers to tell someone that they are a good friend. Send your ex flowers that speak to this ÒfriendÓ factor. By giving them yellow roses or less-romantic flowers, you are showing an act of kindness that shows no remorse, and no romance.

Ask About Their Love Life

Asking your ex about their love life is an awkward but successful way to get back at your ex with kindness. Do not ask in an interrogating or vindictive way. Show concern for their well being and their possible relationships. If you ask about these relationships in a friendly tone, it cannot be misconstrued as evil or vindictive.

Act Happy for Them

If you want to get back at your ex by being nice, act happy for them, their life, and their new achievements. Nothing will confuse an ex more than when you are happy for their new life. Fake happiness can still make them feel awkward. They feel as though you should hate them. The fact that you are happy for them will confuse them, and get them to rethink their emotions.

Introduce Them to New Flings

An interesting way to get back at your ex with kindness is to introduce them to your new interests. It can be easy to make these introductions rude or vindictive. Simply tell your ex that you really want them to meet someone that you are seeing. You want them to get to know you, and vice versa. This could bring jealousy and curiosity out of your ex. This simple and nice gesture can actually make your ex jealous about your new relationship. This jealousy is easily the best way to get back at an ex.

It is important to find the balance between getting back at your ex and keeping your self-respect and reputation. The only way to keep this balance is to get back at someone with kindness. When you get back at ex by being nice, they cannot bad-mouth you. They cannot trash-talk you, and they cannot hate you. By being nice, you are getting back at them without giving them a reason to get over you.


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