But in verses 25 and 26 a sudden storm comes up out of nowhere. And its a big one. The storm is so ferocious they are afraid for their lives.
In verse 27 we see these men thrown around so violently that all they can do is hang on. There is nothing they can do to save themselves. They are at their "wits end".
Like these sailors -- sometimes in our Christian life everythings going along just fine. Were praising God for all the wonderful things Hes done for us. Then out of nowhere the storms came. And they kept coming. The burdens became so enormous you couldnt see any way out. It seemed you could no longer take it. You found yourself crying out, "God when is this gonna stop?" - you were at your wits end.
1. "Wits End" Is A Place Which God Sometimes Initiates - Notice in verse 5 that God commanded the storm. No matter what storm your going through - God put you there. He knew what he was doing - Hes never surprised. The good news is, before you had the problem - He had the solution.
He put you there for His purpose. (Its about Him) (He owns us). "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. (God says dont worry. If you love me, find peace in knowing that everything is going to work out just as I planned it)." Romans 8:28
Hes trying to produce something in your heart, to bring you to a complete faith and trust in Him. Or maybe to strengthen you for a special ministry He has purpose for in your life. Sometimes we think we are waiting on God to show us something, when in fact He is waiting on us grow so that He can reveal it to us.
2. "Wits End" Is a Place Where God Test Us - He allows overwhelming circumstances to overtake us (a storm). It may be a lost job, sickness, an eviction notice, marital problems, or addictions.
"Blessed is the man that trusteth in the Lord, and whose hope the Lord is." Jeremiah 17:7. He wants to bring us to the path of obedience, to trust him so He can bless us. I believe God is looking down at us, cheering us on, Brother Ray, you can make it. Trust me so I can bless you. Sometimes were so close, but wont give in.
Sometimes we dont pass the test and He may go ahead and bring us through it. But when we dont, here comes another trial right behind it. Here comes a second wave in our storm. If we would only trust him with the first trial (wave), the second wave may not come.
3. "Wits End Is A Place Where We Sometimes Fail The Lord - We fail God when we dont trust him. When we rely on ourselves or others to fix our problems. "Thus saith the Lord; Cursed be the man that trust man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the Lord" Jeremiah 17:5.
The Israelites wondered the desert for 40 years and never passed a test. And God had provided the solutions to all their problems. When they crossed the Red Sea they rejoiced and praised God, but panicked at the very next trial when they found the bitter waters of Marah.
Israel received forty years of miracle food - miracle water - a miracle cloud by day - miracle fire by night - miracle protection - miracle clothes that never wore out. And yet they still doubted God. And all but two men died in that desert in total disbelief. God wanted so much to bring them into Cannan, the land of milk and honey. But they never trusted God with their storms.
4. "Wits End" Is a Place Where God Takes Over For Us - We read in verse 28 and 29 that God took control and calmed the storm and brought them peace.
The Sailors had to make two decisions before God would take over. First they had to acknowledge to themselves and God that they or no one else couldnt help them. Second, they cried out to the Lord - turning to him alone.
Sometimes God has to break us - bringing us to trust Him - so He can fix us.
5. "Wits End" Is a Place Where Our trials Become Gifts. (after victory) - Sometimes His plan is not what I would choose for myself. I wouldnt choose to be broke and penniless, lose my family, or be homeless (digging dumpsters), or to be cold or hungry, or drug addicted, or lonely - but I have been all of those things. I know the place called "wits end."
I pray I will never experience any of these storms again. But I wouldnt take anything for the gifts they brought me.
Thousands are starting to bring others to Christ through "Bridge Ministries". We have been given gifts through our trials. Everyone has, or will encounter a major tragedy in their life. As Christians when we find victory over these trials through faith in God, they become gifts that can be used to comfort others and bring them to Christ.
"What a wonderful God we have - He is the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the source of every mercy, and the one who so wonderfully comforts and strengthens us in our hardships and trials. And why does He do this? So that when others are troubled, needing our sympathy and encouragement, we can pass on to them this same help and comfort God has given us" -- 2 Corinthians 1:3,4.
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