Most people think theyre funny to some extent, even though most people know theyre not the next Jim Carrey, they really believe theyre somewhat entertaining. I must tell you the difference between funny, and goofy.
Funny is being sassy, making the other person laugh, making everyone have a good time with your light presence and cheerful attitude, busting everyones balls and truly spreading joy and laughter to others. A goofy person is someone that TRIES TOO HARD to make everyone laugh, hes not really being unique or himself because hes seeking validation from everyone else by trying to make them laugh. People will laugh AT the goofy person, not WITH him.
So which one are you?. If you are a goofy person, its OK, youre not gonna die, and well work on getting you out of that persona, but first Id like to ask you for something. Go stand in front of a mirror and look at yourself in the eyes.... now SLAP YOURSELF HARD!
Good, now lets continue...
Women LOVE humor, they really enjoy a man who makes them laugh, whos funny to be around with, someone thatll make life easier by making her forget all the little troubles that come along with it. If you ask any woman, whats the single most sought after quality in a guy, youll see they all want HUMOR.
"I want a man whos FUNNY, whos caring, charming...."
"Im looking for a man thatll love me for who I am, thatll MAKE ME LAUGH......"
Im sure youve heard these comments right?
So, now we know women love humor, but not EVERY kind of humor, they want light, busting her balls, cocky humor!
I learned a LOOOONG time ago, a priceless little piece of wisdom:
Women become ADDICTED to a man whos funny but with a drop or two of arrogance. And not mean arrogance, just a little snippet of cockiness.
An example of how cocky funny works, would be something like this:
You girls says to you:
"Do you love me?"
you answer
"no, what do you mean? I hate you, get out my car!"
and you give her a kiss right on the lips and smile.
Thats golden, and women REALLY enjoy this. It might not seem like much to you, but with the right body language and voice tone itll make you ten times more attractive to her than if you would have answered with a plain and boring "Of course I do baby, more than anything in the world!".
By the way the Cocky + Funny theory I learned from my mentor David DeAngelo.
One last thing I must mention is that when it comes to being funny, its not so much about the jokes, than it is about the CHARACTER. Watch a stand up routine from Dave Chapelle or Chris Rock, and notice how most of the jokes arent really JOKES, theyve adapted a character and theyre telling STORIES from that character point of view.
So think about it.
I have a character Ive developed which has worked amazingly well in my relationship, and it is the slightly over confident guy whos charming but will whip out a cocky funny comment out of nowhere and will smooth things out by adding a touch of caring love at the end (could be physical contact -a kiss, a caress -, or a smile), something thatll let my girl know that Im just busting her balls.
I want you to THINK about how can you develop a character thats funny and your girl would LOVE.
Do it, give it some thought, itll work wonders!
talk again soon.
P.S. If you want to read more of Josephs Articles go to his profile for his Blog address.
Im a normal guy that 6 years ago went through a terrible break up that literally CHANGED my life. I had such a bad time that I decided this was going to be the last time I would ever experience something like that. I started researching EVERYTHING I could on relationship, women psychology, human behavior and how to grow a healthy relationship. I read almost every book out there, watched DVD programs, listened to audio programs and nothing really convinced me.
I then decided to test everything out by myself, I went through the trial and error route. I tried A LOT of things on my own relationships, sometimes getting to the ridiculous but at the end it all worked out. I finally came up with a simple 3 step system to take the relationship to the next level, make your woman attracted to you forever and improving the relationship, eliminating any crisis that might be taking place. No drama, no fighting, A LOT more sex and overall a happier more mature relationship.
Now, dont believe me because Im saying this, just read my articles and try my stuff in your own relationship, I stand behind my concepts 100%.
If you got any questions please feel free to ask and Ill help you solve your problem as soon as possible.
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