Sunday, May 8, 2016



The simple process with LOA is that you decide what you want , then you "feel" like you already posses what you want , the universe , then picks up on your feelings and delivers to you whit precision what you want.

But what if you cant feel it ? What if you cant feel anything? Or when it comes to having the feeling of having it the evidence from the past , stands up and stares at you right in the face ? 

Sometimes , you go in for a quantum leap , you dont release the past ,and focus on your desire so hard , that the universe delivers to you your desire , but because you havent let go of the anger and the pain , you see your desire turn rotten in front of you. 

You manifest things but you have difficulty holding on to it...

You loose the money you manifested , your Soul-mate now seems like the devil , the dream job you manifested , is starting to feel like your last few jobs , which you hated. 

All this happens , when we , just jump into the visualizing , day dreaming Manifesting mode , without facing our demons. your dream relationship turning rotten for no real reason ? , the person you were supposed to feel love for now you seem to hate ? It might be that you are still holding on to the pain or suffering caused by this person or from the previous failed relationships . You know that its all now ancient history , and this pain seems illogical . But , nonetheless , it all too real and you are Angry inside , but you know that anger is a negative feeling , so you try your best to suppress it , distract yourself.. and forget about it... and slowly you feel a state where you cant feel anything at all.

That was one example ... want More ? 

So why is it , that the people who shoot up to fame and fortune fast , or win the jackpot and rake in a lot of money fast , cant seem to hold on to it. (There is a scientific research analyzing this phenomenon) . The faster the fame and money comes the faster they crash and burn. 

Its all happens because we have learned to practice the Law of attraction , but we are still holding on to the Limiting beliefs , the anger , the pain and we havent fully grasped the concept of letting go. 


You work through the anger , the pain and suffering . After learning so much about LOA , you do realize that you are the one who attracted all that suffering pain and bad experiences to yourself . But like any normal human being you find it easier to point out to an recipient external to you , who you can hold responsible for you pain , who you can be angry with , who you can accuse for all that is wrong in your life. 

I suggest you do that ! Off-course not to that persons face. But you can always vent out at them in your thoughts ... here is what you do.

Take out sometime and find a quite place where you can be alone , now pick up a person or a situation or god (if you are angry with god ) , you hold responsible for you misery ... now they are there to listen to you , and you are there to vent out you ... can scream at them , shout at them , call them names , reason with them , you can take a pillow , imagine its them ,and Go all Lucha libre on it for all i care . the goal here is to get angry . And vent out , dont leave anything , you can beat that pillow to an inch of its life , but instead of suppressing your anger for all this time ... try to take it all out. 

Some people think being angry is a bad emotion , it is ,,, but it is better than self hate , and depression and frustration. When you get angry , you are actually in a higher vibration. 

After you are done , you will feel lighter , And you will be able to breathe more better. repeat this exercise 3 times max (for one recipient) . 

With your anger out of the way , you can now look at the universe rationally , if its a relationship you want healed , then you have to admit to yourself that , you just yelled and beat the shit out of the other person , so now the score is settled , you have a clean slate , and so does they . and they will behave exactly as you ask the universe for them to behave with you. 

If its money you want to hold on to , then you have to acknowledge the fact that the universe is capable of providing you with unlimited financial abundance ,and you are doing well where you are and you will always do well financially .

So if you can just work through you pain , you will finally find the peace you are looking for , all the uncertainty will dissolve and you will be a powerful creator. 

So go .. try it ...

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