Christian blogs provides practical insight for everyday living. Enjoy easy reading that probes deeply into your heart and life while activating your greatest potential. Many Christians are struggling with daily life and find that they are bogged down with concerns and the Word of God often seems distant and intangible. A helping hand in understanding the concepts shared in the Word of God can assist a believer in achieving the Christian walk with God that they so desire. A church blog provides insight into the teachings of Jesus and both New Testament and Old Testament truths that provide a strong foundation for everyday life. Achieving a life of righteousness, joy and peace as described in John 14: 17 is possible and the power of the Internet provides connections between believers that bring strength and renewed faith.
Touch the heart of Jesus through a church blog. Enjoy the free flowing insight into the Word of God shared by mature leadership that care for the sheep in the body of Christ. Jesus asked Peter directly, "Do you love me?" Peter replied instantly, "Yes, Lord!" Then Jesus proceeded to tell Peter to feed his sheep. The Internet provides an open door of communication between church leadership and believers who Jesus calls sheep. It is Jesus desire that Christians are provided with truths pertaining to the Word of God that can be easily incorporated into their daily life. Jesus feels the infirmities of his people and He desires for his sheep to hear his voice. Jesus said, my people (sheep) recognize my voice and another voice they will not follow." (John 10:4-5)
Obey My voice, and I will be your God, and you shall be My people. And walk in all the ways that I have commanded you, that it may be well with you. "Yet they did not obey or incline their ear, but followed the counsels and the dictates of their evil hearts, and went backward and not forward. (Jeremiah 7:23-24 NKJV) Turn today to the assistance of a Christian blog site and receive the insight available through a posted Christian article. Receive insight on Godly righteousness versus our own "goodness" in the Christian article: Better to be Real than Right. Gentle Restoration is a Christian article on how to restore someone back into position in the body of Christ after a fall into sin or backsliding. Mercy Triumphs assist believers in recognizing the mercy of God versus the sternness of God; enjoy truths that will provide freedom from a false concept of the severity of God and a blocked vision of the love and mercy of God.
A Christian blog provides essential truths that assist believers in walking a smooth walk with Christ. Jesus invites people to become one with him and this is done as we understand and accept the truths pertaining to His word, the Bible. Dig deep into the truths of Gods mercy and love while enjoying the easy reading which is designed to provide believers everywhere with the love of Christ. Just as Jesus told Peter to feed His sheep, compassionate leaders are being led by Jesus to create Christian blogs that provide essential life lessons for believers.
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