Thursday, May 12, 2016

How to Look After Turtles

Hey, I am Torty the tormented turtle and I stay as a pet in your terrapinarium. I am from a very respectable and well known family which can proudly declare to be the oldest surviving creatures of this planet! My ancestors inhabited this earth about 215 million years back, much before your forefathers; I mean the first human being appeared on it. Believe it or not, the enormous, fierce, and elegant dinosaurs were their next door neighbors!

But here, right now, I am sorry to pronounce that I am not happy at all. Everyday you watch me to have a great fun while I swim and glide back and forth inside the tank, but do you really have any concern for me? Do you love me? No, I suppose! Today let me tell you frankly that you do not take proper care of me at all. Day in and day out I suffer from various ailments just due to lack of your attention.

Unfortunately I can not express my pain and agony because God has not given me a vocal cord. I can not even scream for any help and suffer mutely from terrible pains. My tear blends silently with the awfully dirty water of the tank which you hardly cleaned or filtered.

But are you bothered for that? No, not at all! I am hurt and helpless and in real trouble, just because of your negligence! Well, it is said, to err is human and being a human you are also likely to commit error. Let me forgive this time and give a fair chance you.

I sincerely hope you will follow the guidelines given below and change your attitude henceforth:

Keep my surroundings and the tank water clean.
Provide balanced diet to keep me out of deficiency diseases.
While handling, hold me gently but firmly but please dont drop me on the floor.
I need a heater, a UV light, and a basking platform fitted in the tank as I am a cold blooded animal and cannot tolerate winter chill. Else I may hibernate!
While I hibernate, keep watching me to observe any unusual change.

Always consult a veterinary doctor in case you see the following symptoms:

Red and swollen eyes, breathing trouble, difficulty in swimming, loss of appetite, nasal secretions, bleeding wounds, soft and leathery carapace, or cracks on the shell.

For Gods sake try to be a loving and caring pet owner!


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