In can be difficult to cope with breaking up, especially if you had been together for a while and you had felt that you both were soul mates. You are probably also hearing everyone tell you to move on and get on with things, but that can be difficult if you still love your ex and feel that they might still love you too.
A friend ?f mine ?ften ?aid th?t ?n ex is ?n ex f?r a reason ?nd that ?ou sh?uldnt travel back down an ?ld path, but thi? ?s ?ften easier said th?n done, ?s?e??all? if y?u see other couples re-uniting over problems such a? infidelity, lost passion or ? stolen heart ?nd go on to live happy lives together.
This begs th? question: i? gett?ng back w?th ?our ex ? good idea or should ?ou accept the situation and find love somewher? else?
To decide on the answer y?u n?ed t? fir?t determine th? reasons th?t broke th? tw? of you up. Relationships break d?wn over hundreds of different reasons ?nd n?t ?ll of th?m can b? mended. If you g?t back tog?ther ?nd the reason that y?u broke up ?n th? first place still existed then ?erha?s it i? bett?r t? tr? a new relationship.
If y?u ar? will?ng to change or make ?n effort to fix y?ur relationship problems (assuming of cour?e th?t y?u ne?d t? relationships ar? ? two-way street) th?n it i? pos?ibl? that y?u ?ould g?t back together ?nd b? happy together.
There ?s st?ll a chance th?t ?ou can both be happy t?gether if y?u b?th ?till d? love e?ch other. Of c?ur?e oft?n it can b? difficult t? determine ?f your ex do?s st?ll love you a? you have b?th probably s?id hurtful things to e?ch other, so this ?s wher? y?u should trust y?ur instincts. Sometimes people ?ay the? the? hate y?u or no longer love y?u just to hurt ?ou ?nd d?nt r?ally me?n it?
Its oft?n a good idea to step back fr?m the situation ?nd try and l?ok objectively ?t the way y?u b?th act around e?ch other. If y?u d?nt trust ?our ?wn instincts th?n it can b? a good idea t? ask th? advice ?f a good friend who y?u trust becaus? they ar? less emotionally involved in the situation.
The fir?t steps that ?ou take in trying to mend a broken relationship can be important in determining your success ?o ?t ?s important to try and k??? a level head.
from How to Get Your Ex Back - Make Ex Want You Back
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